Sexual Discoveries

I do 'iron egg' training for my Gongfu. I've been doing it for about 3 years now, and noticed that my stamina and size have grown quite significantly. I can last from sunset to sunrise if need be, and I'm asian, so I needed the extra length. Now, it sounds really crazy, but monks have been doing it for over 1000 years. This is an easy way - get a gallon jug, tie a rope to it, and to - just your penis for lengthening, and both your penis and scrotum for stamina (and, after a long time, if you get kicked in the nuts, it doesn't hurt.) fill the jug until you can barely handle the weight anymore, hang it and swing it for a half an hour to an hour a day. Fill the jug more and more every day as well, until it is full, then, when you've been doing the jug long enough, switch to other heavy objects. This may sound really crazy, but I can now lift over 70lbs with just my junk, no lie.

What other techniques do you practice? Do you practice Sexual Kung Fu?
oh, and poking a hole in your sack is just nuts..heh heh.

ftw? you say thats nuts.....i did that once and now have a ring there.....but i mean jeez....a gallon jug tied to my wank?:spew: that has to have some side affects..... mean if its numbing your balls to where you can take a shot in the groin then....your wank aint prob gonna feel much either....
3. bending your favorite woman or women over the bed can greatly be enhanced by wrapping a towel or blanket around their waiste. Hold onto this towel as if you are riding a horse and insert penis from the rear... (your hole of choice) the towel or blanket can provide unparreled support with ONES hammering action.

hahahahaha.... good one
ok here is a garenteed orgasam for a woman take a 9 volt battey spread the labia manor an majora {PUSSYLIPS} just tap the battery to her clit like 1 second intervals......she will ejaculate like no other climbing the walls with her shoulder blades beware most women would look at you like get the fuck away from me so you might have to be sneeky bout it then tell her later
Take a soft plastic syphon tube and suck her clit up in it until it is swollen and in the tube visually then squeeze the tube so that her clit cannot be released get her vibrator and touch it onto the bottom of the tube:mrgreen:
Hey i have a question for those of you who know a lil about clit stimulation. I just cant seem to find the spot, and stay with it. I mean one night i found it with this chick and i got her so close, she was convulsing and breathing hard as shit, that alone almost made me blow my load. But sice then theres only hints of stimulation. Like a convulse every 20 second or so. Im getting a little frustrated with not getting her all the way there. Is it just totall persistance? We always have a ton of foreplay so thats covered. Does she just neeed to be in a certain mood you think?
Hey i have a question for those of you who know a lil about clit stimulation. I just cant seem to find the spot, and stay with it. I mean one night i found it with this chick and i got her so close, she was convulsing and breathing hard as shit, that alone almost made me blow my load. But sice then theres only hints of stimulation. Like a convulse every 20 second or so. Im getting a little frustrated with not getting her all the way there. Is it just totall persistance? We always have a ton of foreplay so thats covered. Does she just neeed to be in a certain mood you think?
Suck her whole clit till tis fat red and swollen like a mini dick and then she will love you:blsmoke:
over the years i have stumbled upon things I wish I would have "known"

please share your helpful tips.

1. Squating excercises add great benifit to sexual activity, especialy in positons that are "standing sex". Having a regular front squat practice is EXTREMELY BENIFICIAL and rewarding If you dont have a dumbell, you can use 2.5 gallon water containers to get you started.. simply hold them by your side... LEAN BACK on your heals and do 20 squats... for is key!!!! work your way up to 100 squate in a row.. 3 times a week!!!

2. jerking off in socks is an easy no mess method

3. bending your favorite woman or women over the bed can greatly be enhanced by wrapping a towel or blanket around their waiste. Hold onto this towel as if you are riding a horse and insert penis from the rear... (your hole of choice) the towel or blanket can provide unparreled support with ONES hammering action.

please add to this list
herd socks are good, but bannana skins are the best.
"from when i was a lad" lol
over stilulating the clit on a woman is like her blowing your brains and wont stop ucking when you are hyper sinsitive..... to the guy that just found the clit......rolmfao it can be an evasive bastard.....when she is convulsing and you loose the clit put your index finger in her about half way and point your finger upwards you should feel i gland that feels like a little pillow in there.... that my friend is the g spot press on it med preasure slowly rub it and watch and taste what happens ........good luck:hump: