

Active Member
Just wanted to ask all the RIU followers wat the best way to sex a plant is... I have 10 plants about 5-6 weeks old and i wanna make clones so i dont have to start from seed again. But i need to figure out wich ones are actually fem. Some people say just throw under 12/12 and wait for sighns then swich back to veg. But i have heared that that causes stress and can turn hermie. I have also heard i can take a clipping and place in a cup of of water and put into 12/12 and will show sex and that it doesnt need roots to show sex? sounds crazy to me but idk. and the last one i heard is place a dark bag over one of the inner lower tops and do 12 on and 12 off. But im not shure if this info is good so i wanted to know how you guys sex your plants and what has worked for you. Thx for any and all help... Stay HIGH my friends
alot plants will show sex in late veg i believe? mayb not all strains tho. like preflowering.
white pistols v shape fem balls or nannas males
Or has anyone Tryed the cutting in the glass of water? ppl say that the cutting doesnt need roots to show sex and i guess i just always thought it would wilt and die before it showed sighns. anyone with 2 cents on that?
I wouldnt put em thru the stress of the photoperiod changes, if nothing else, for fear of stressing one of my females into producing hermie flowers that I MIGHT not see, and kick myself in the ass when I finally do, which would likely be too late...
Unless your plants have been vegging for a long period of time or are autoflower, they shouldn't start to show sex until they are switched to a 12/12 light cycle. As far as cutting clones off of plants that you do not know the sex of there are two ways I did it before just buying feminized... first way I tried was buy just cutting clones off every plant and labeling them... once I saw the clones home plant sex I knew to remove the clone or keep it. Another way I tried was by waiting for the upper bud sites to show sex and then clipping lower sites that hadn't shown yet for clones. .02
All of my strains will show either male or female preflowers while still under 18/6, and yes, the female preflower is a single unit, if u will, of what a bud cluster is... It is just a tear-drop shaped, ovarian calyx with a little "V"-shaped white pistol sticking out of the top...
Pistles will show in late Veg? I thought you had to switch before that would happen?
NOT TRUE! Preflowers WILL show while in veg.... U DO NOT have to switch to 12/12 to sex a pot plant.
Unless your plants have been vegging for a long period of time or are autoflower, they shouldn't start to show sex until they are switched to a 12/12 light cycle. As far as cutting clones off of plants that you do not know the sex of there are two ways I did it before just buying feminized... first way I tried was buy just cutting clones off every plant and labeling them... once I saw the clones home plant sex I knew to remove the clone or keep it. Another way I tried was by waiting for the upper bud sites to show sex and then clipping lower sites that hadn't shown yet for clones. .02
Under optimal growing conditions, the plant will become sexually mature by about the 8th week of rapid vegetation... Which is about that 2-3 month time period alot of us like to let them veg for, anyways... 8 weeks isnt that long to wait, when u consider the time it takes for a clone to root, IF it even does, much less show signs of sex, let alone the possibility of the potential recovery time that it may take the host plant to "heal itself" and get back to leaf and stem production...
this is what i did. i got a ton of bag seeds, and some from friends in cali, spain, etc,
i grew them all
i labeled them, using my girlfriends nail polish, i colored a little circle on the side of the pot, different color per plant
i cloned them all, labeling the clones as the same color.
i put the older plants into flower.
once i knew which (colors) were male, i tossed them, and their clones.

now i have around 6 strains, and all female.
"Feminized" seeds are many times true males, which have been "tricked" so to speak, into exhibiting only female characteristics, and can oftentimes produce hermie flowers when u least expect it, since it's kindof in their DNA as the plant that the "fem'd" seeds came from was put under duress in order to try to ensure species survival, by self-pollenating itself... So, I wouldn't care to have that to always haveta look out for... Reg seeds r the way to go. U just haveta know what top look for, and when, and above all have the patience it takes to do so...
This will work, and I have done the same thing... Point I'm making is it isnt necessary to go to 12/12 in order to determine sex, is all... As well as the potential downsides to feminized seeds... As long as yer growing the herb, you're all allright with me... Everyone has their own process and whatever works best for the individual grower is probably best for them to do...
this is what i did. i got a ton of bag seeds, and some from friends in cali, spain, etc,
i grew them all
i labeled them, using my girlfriends nail polish, i colored a little circle on the side of the pot, different color per plant
i cloned them all, labeling the clones as the same color.
i put the older plants into flower.
once i knew which (colors) were male, i tossed them, and their clones.

now i have around 6 strains, and all female.
NOT TRUE! Preflowers WILL show while in veg.... U DO NOT have to switch to 12/12 to sex a pot plant.

not to be a dick but i specifically said unless your plants have been vegging for a long period of time as well... anything over 4-6 weeks is a long veg period... to some ppl who grow 12/12 from seed 4 weeks would be a long time... read the first line again very carefully before you try and correct me... not being a dick just hate it when someone shoots down what i say before carefully reading...
Under optimal growing conditions, the plant will become sexually mature by about the 8th week of rapid vegetation... Which is about that 2-3 month time period alot of us like to let them veg for, anyways... 8 weeks isnt that long to wait, when u consider the time it takes for a clone to root, IF it even does, much less show signs of sex, let alone the possibility of the potential recovery time that it may take the host plant to "heal itself" and get back to leaf and stem production...

8th week of veg is def a long vegging time... in 3 months id have a crop coming off and id be 4 weeks from another crop and 8 weeks from another crop...
and for the record out of the numerous feminized seeds i have purchased i have never had a problem with hermies... if your feminized seeds are constantly going hermie on you consider your conditions and not the seeds...
oh and on a side note... unless you plan on growing trees or are doing some type lst or outdoor grow good luck with space to try and manage the stretch in your ladies when they do switch to 12/12 especially after vegging for 8 weeks... .02
So sorry u feel as though I "shot your post down"... I DID f'n read that, and just because I didn't specifically point that out doesn't mean I didn't... SO, you- Don't read into shit so deeply, and wear your feelings on your sleeves... We're all on here for a common purpose, so chill out!
not to be a dick but i specifically said unless your plants have been vegging for a long period of time as well... anything over 4-6 weeks is a long veg period... to some ppl who grow 12/12 from seed 4 weeks would be a long time... read the first line again very carefully before you try and correct me... not being a dick just hate it when someone shoots down what i say before carefully reading...