Sexing help


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone thanks for taking a look and hopefully i can get a bit of info anyway.

I was just wondering about sexual maturity of male and female plants, my second plant started to show its sex after about 6 weeks vegging then i changed the lights to 12/12 last week and the pistils are coming along fine, where as my first plant still hasn't shown its sex yet and its about 2 inches bigger/wider than the female plant.

My question is do male plants take longer than females to show their sex? i'm not to bothered about it showing sex in a hurry because i know it will roughly within the second week of flowering, i'm just curious to wheteher males take longer to show sex/develop than females as i couldn't find much info on the net about it, mostly it was just pictures of female pistils and male pre-flowers.

Cheers for taking the time to read this.


Well-Known Member
most of the time males grow faster than females, the reason why one is showing signs of sex and the other isn't may be due to two different strains.


Well-Known Member
I've just started flowering and 5 females have shown up. There's only two definite males so far (this is out of 12 plants). So i'd say in my case the females show first


Well-Known Member
The males usually flower first, but the females are just easier to spot. You have to check very carefully. Get a magnifying glass and check out the nodes to see if any sacks have grown. I had a female take about a week longer to show sex then the others because it wasn't getting sufficient light. Once you see that male, rip his bitch ass out lol. Be careful as not to open any pollen sacks by accident. If you are good at spotting them, you can get males very early.


Active Member
i found a male plant out of my 6 i had going about 2 weeks ago and im not seeing any sign of the others being females other than they had no balls on them and did notice the 2 small white hairs coming out near the node these are females right? I dont know what strain beacuse it was mixed bag of seeds from shit off the streets?


plant 4.jpgplant 5.jpgplant 3.2.jpgplant 3.1.jpgplant 2.jpgplant 1.jpgHey everyone, I'm a first time grower with a problem sexing my plants, I have 5 plants over 3 feet tall, I recently went to a 12/12 light cycle, and they are showing indications of flowering. I will attach some photos, and if anyone has the time to check them out I would appreciate it. The pictures are numbered for identification, thanks in advance. Joe
