sexing clones under flours.


Well-Known Member
I have a veg room with flouresents and a flower room with 600HPS. Is is necessary to sex the clones under the HPS or can I build a small light tight container with a two foot flouresent and run it 12/12 to determine sex without running the HPS for weeks just to determine clones mother's sex? Or will not using the HPS cause the sexing process to take longer?
Someone has tried this before. I would rather not put the clones into the flower room until after verifying mother's sex. I have seen and read where growers put a clone of each mother into their flower room under HPS and in a few weeks are able to determine sex. I want to know if I must do it this way? Or can I use a small light tight area using floresents 12/12 for a few weeks too to accomplish the same thing without running my much more expensive flower room equipment?
Thanks for the input.