sexing and spider mite question


Active Member
first of all can some post pics of good examples of first signs of males and females. but also i have noticed those little buzard fucker spider mites and was wondering if anyone new the cheapest effective way to make them fuck off any advice would be great.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
You can buy small portions of floramite on ebay these days... Neem oil, pyrethrum sprays, they're just not strong enough or 100%.

Floramite lasts 3 weeks with one treatment, and two treatments is all you'd need.

(not to be used late in flower)

You would need to have a sprayer and protective clothes and rubber gloves and eyewear with a good respirator. (systemic remember)
Or spray it outdoors going downwind from you or something. Serious stuff, but that's what you want after you get tired of fucking around with lesser products.


Well-Known Member
Those lil basterds lay eggs and they hatch in 3 days, don't be fooled get rid of them. They will web up a bud in no time. Act Fast and stay on it.


Well-Known Member
Neem will work and add some of that stuff from wal mart, um it's Garden safe, Garden Pro,? anyways it has garlic and pepermint and clove yeah clove oil. I mix that in with neem and spray the shit under the leaves thick. Then the next day I mist real good to clean it off the stomatas then 2 days later spray and repeat. 3 x total and keep a eye out for ever.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Heres the bad news once you got spider mites its a never ending battle. i never had them over the years and got hit last year and have done arsonal after arsonal but they always show back up in new grows now. I have doktoir doom bombed, neem spray, safeguard mite control and release mixed predator mites and mite destroyer mites on them. You can control but they are stubborn fuckers. My issue is I have pets and they can pick them up in the yard then I get them and then they can get loose on you and they multiply so fast. Good luck and just because you dont see them keep acting like you do and killl kill kill


Active Member
ok how much is the neem oil and how would i know if there is larva in the soil if so what should i do about that?


Well-Known Member
Spider mite eggs usually take 4-5 days to hatch and adulthood is usually reached within a week, depending on how hot and how dry the air is. An ambient temperature higher than 85 degrees and a relative humidity of less than 60% produce optimal conditions for spider mite reproduction and maturity.


Active Member
dam man these things are pretty fucking gay just to make sure these are what it is about how big do they look if your looking at them with no magnification


Mr I Can Do That For Half
they look like specks to the naked eye mostly on the underside of the leaves. You will see thier webs if they are full on there. You can kind of touch them and see them crawl they are small but you can see with naked eye


Active Member
i also read something about a 1:3 water alcohol mix spray would this work at all in addition to the neem for extra support and would it hurt the plant at all


Well-Known Member
I have not tryed this;
Rubbing alcohol, like any alcohol for any creature, is poisonous in high dosages, and it evaporates quickly doing little damage to the plant it’s been sprayed on. Some people suggest a 1:3 mixture of rubbing alcohol to water, but the stronger the mixture, the more certain you are to get as many mites as possible. Make sure to cover the entire plant, focusing on the bottoms of the leaves where spider mites tend to hang out.


Active Member
my humidity is pretty fucking low so im gunna get that up and blastem with the neem oil and alc. mix see what i can do.


Well-Known Member
They are sneaky, and now you know that every time you go in garden do a spiderMite check. The sooner you catch them the better. Oh and they LOVE bud, they web all over it, make tents and have partys. If that happens spray with a Pyrethins Bomb.