Sexing a plant in the wild


Active Member
I have 7 bag seeds I sprouted and planted within a foot of each other:weed:... When should I be taking trips to them to determine the sex?



Well-Known Member
I have 7 bag seeds I sprouted and planted within a foot of each other:weed:... When should I be taking trips to them to determine the sex?

Use the Farmer's Almanac and find out when the sunrise and sunset equals 14 hours of light. Then add about two weeks to the date. Around 15 September, perhaps? At this stage, most males will have emerged. Check every 7 days for further developments. Pluck your males and hermies when you see them.


Well-Known Member
September 15? Woah. Not where I live haha. More like August 15 here. But yea it totally depends on location (lighting hours), so look it up as he said in the farmer's almanac or there are online calculators to do it as well. Just google sunset/sunrise calculator or something like that.