Agni is male. But Hindus have many gods and goddesses. All of whom are aspects of the ultimate reality, which is Brahma.
I'm personally a disciple of Amitabha, the Buddhist "God" of infinite light and life. If you so like you can pay homage to Guan Yin the female Buddha, who's one of two attendants to Amitabha, and escorts you to Sukhavati the western pure land, or "heaven."
Hindus and Buddhists aren't very judgmental and accept whatever lifestyle or gender you choose for whom to worship.
The bigger question is, Would God fuk me? What if he rejected me? What if I am unfukable even in the eyes of the one who made me?!
I'm not taking that risk!!!
Bra ha ha!
I will use the Hebrew text because the god you want to f*ck looks like a nun.
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, and after our likeness:"
Genesis 1: 26
"I have said, Ye are gods:"
Psalms 82: 6
"If you want to f*ck a god then go f*ck yourself:"
An aspiring troll 1: 1