sex me up please


Well-Known Member
my gf is great at this but in my opinion, the 1st=male, 2nd 3rd and 4th look female to me.. my girlfriend is an eagle eye with this so i leave it up to her and shes never wrong, when she gets home i will have her take a look at these pics...


Active Member
2 and 4 are hard to make out but:

1 is male for sure

2 I'm about 90% sure is male notice the preflower to the right has a stem it's growing from, or so it appears.

3 female 100% congrats!

4. I'm pretty sure is female.

If you could post better pics if plants 2 and 4 we could be sure.

good luck!
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Well-Known Member
No. 3 looks female to me, but what do I know? Just from pics I've seen in a book I've got, but that's my limited experience with that.


Well-Known Member
hey brandi, my gf agrees mfff... and she is an eagle eye!!! she does all the sexing here and has never once been wrong.. she has the "touch" so i would say you can bet on it....


Well-Known Member
man, if you see lil white hairs coming out of the stem between the nodes, they are usually white and u can tell, then its female. if u see little sacks like balls, then its male. but in ur first pics they looked all like males except for number 3 i think, but i couldnt tell coulda just be the angle.


Well-Known Member
It looks male; which you may want to keep if you wish to breed for seeds. If you see any WHITE hairs it is hermy. Destroy it, then. You will see some green hair-like growths, but that is normal.