Sex is overrated!

I was one of those guys who's libido always threatened to get me in trouble from getting girls pregnant in HS and college to fucking up my marriage and having my kids hate me.

Sex was on my brain all the time.

In my fifties (58 now) the constant thinking about getting laid has started to wane and instead of worrying about slowing down I'm thankful it's not such a consuming thought anymore.

YMMV of course
Well I am "old" by most peoples standards now 'cause most humans I see are way younger than me by some distance..................

it has never been over rated for me - since I never seem to get enough and it has all been good. However, some has been better than others.
As already mentioned above- it seems to get under rated by those who dont get much or none at all. Or have limited or a bad experience in the matter.

it should be a way to strenghten a pair bond and show ones special attraction and affection for a special friend. Not a contract which binds or is used to manipulate another. If it is for a mutualistic good cause that is greater than self, then it can be the most beautiful thing you can experience............

Or not so it depends, no? Primarily on yourself and how you end up engaging in it and the circumstances involved............... but it can not be forced into a good outcome. It must come "naturally".
Thats what I think about that

'jus sayin................ nice thread here

P.S.- it seems to help me to get "tuned up" first (if you know what I mean)

and then she looked at me with those big brown eyes and said: "you aint seen nothin yet. B-B-B baby, you just aint seen nothin yet."
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One That's it, I just think sex is good but not as good as today's culture has us believe. Often times, everyday tasks such as eating, going to the bathroom, taking a shower, smoking ganja, participating in a good conversation or doing your duties well, can be as pleasurable, if not more.

What do you think?
Either I’m doing everything you listed wrong or you ain’t doing the horizontal polka right. Which I don’t know
Sex is making illegal drugs in your clandestine brain laboratory with a buddy. It really doesn't get better than sex. Maybe crack. Idk.
That's it, I just think sex is good but not as good as today's culture has us believe. Often times, everyday tasks such as eating, going to the bathroom, taking a shower, smoking ganja, participating in a good conversation or doing your duties well, can be as pleasurable, if not more.

What do you think?
You must be doing it wrong
Sex is overrated if you're neither into that person and if you're not super attracted to them. But if theyre into say, letting you choke them or do butt stuff it definitely makes up for it.

If youre super keen on them, theyre hot and they dont mind a bit of 'atm', choking and slapping, well thats a goooood time....
Sex is quite underrated in that it's one of the deepest ways to connect with someone on a human level. No pun intended, lol :lol:

People who say "sex is overrated" are the kinds of people who could probably go live off-the-grid solo for a number of years. . ... And that's cool. Not me though. I need my family and friends. I need to be able to reach out once in a while. Sure I'll get in moods where I'd love nothing more than to be left alone, but for me that never lasts long. I need people, not afraid to say it.