Severely limp clones after planting


Active Member
Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone had some ingsight about this issue I'm having with my plants. Last night I planted three clones, that were already in rockwool, into soil and put them in my cab.

I'm using the growlab 60, with 250W hydrofarm sunburst w/Agrosun gold bulb (MH w/ increased red spectrum). I don't have the best exhaust set up yet because I just moved, and previously used a homemade enclosure that wasn't completely enclosed. The soil I'm using is Black Gold "All organic", and I've mixed in Xtreme Gardening's Mykos 30 (mychorizzae w/organic fertilizer). I'm not sure what exactly caused it, but when I woke up this morning and checked on the plants, they were all completely flopped over-stem and all. NOT GOOD. Plants are still totally green and no sign on any nute burn-so I don't think it was the soil or the Mykos. I haven't tested the pH of soil or water, but I filtered the water in a Pur filter and let it sit for 48hrs. A few hours after I potted them and put them in the cab, I misted them with some of this water b/c it seemd a bit too warm in the cab. I can't find my effing thermometer in all of my moving boxes so, I can't tell exactly how high the temp is- so no way to rule that out yet.

I'm thinking that maybe misting them is what caused the limpness. I don't get it though b/c the top of the soil was almost totally dry. 2 of the rockwool cubes were dry b4 I potted them so I put ever so little water on them just to provide some moisture.

Should I maybe get some calcium in there?? In the interim, I opened the front of the cab up and put a tower fan right in the threshold to hopefully rule out temp issues. I already had a computer fan inside, exhausting out the top vent, blowing into 4" tubing.

Any help, much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
did you mist them with the lights on? big no no,but i would guess there was an extreme change in humidity

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Seeing how they're new clones they'll need extra water to get their roots going. My clones get a weak dose of ferts as soon as they come out of the cloning bin. If your soil is not prefertilized it will be ok to give them a little fertilizer. When you use your sprayer fill the rockwell cube with water if you can to get fresh water right to the roots. I do this with new clones if they wilt a bit and as long as you direct the sprayer into the rockwell cubes and avoid misting the plant you can do this with the lights on. Sometimes you have to babysit new clones to ensure they get off to a good start. One other thing, when using ventilation it is important that the air pressure in the op is equal to or slightly greater than the air pressure outside. Do not create negative pressure in your op. Your plants need proper air to breath.


Active Member
I did mist them with the light on, DOH! do you think that is what accounts for them doing that though?

I don't think it is the heat in the cab (even though I opened it up just in case) because none of the plant seemed at all dry.

I'm so mad at myself because I didn't notice this had happened until right before I went to work so I couldn't really troubleshoot it. I got to work thinking "oh shit, maybe I should have staked them". Do you guys think I should have/should do that?

Do you think I need to re-pot them, and put them down a little deeper? I'm only using 1 gal pots b/c the cab is small and I'm running 4 plants so I'm worried if I pot them too too deep I could get rootlock.

Any suggestions on what I can do to intervene are much appreciated.....that said, do you guys think calcium could help firm them up?


Well-Known Member
no calcium wont help,if they are still down after a day it may be time to say your goodbyes


Well-Known Member
I think it is better to veg clones with low heat daylight CFLs, at least until they take off and are growing good. If you are using an HPS, keep them pretty far away. My only experience with Black Gold was not good. Especially horrible was their seedling soil which seemed to be devoid of any nutrition whatsoever.


New Member
did you mist them with the lights on? big no no,but i would guess there was an extreme change in humidity
There is nothing wrong with misting plants with the lights on if it's pure water, if not a simple wetting agent (drop of dish detergent) will avoid any problems.


Active Member
wow what an incredibly douchy and unhelpful set of responses (no offense to those of you who did provide some insight)'ve been growing for 5 yrs, not like im posting a ridiculous question here. so much for community.


Well-Known Member
Yea, seems to be going to hell in a hand basket real quick.

I think you got too much light on them. You mentioned a 250 watt.
Clones do well with 25 watts. much easier to control temps too.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
wow what an incredibly douchy and unhelpful set of responses (no offense to those of you who did provide some insight)'ve been growing for 5 yrs, not like im posting a ridiculous question here. so much for community.
I put my clones in as soon as they have proper roots. My 1000w/hps is hung horizontally and the bottom of the bulb(side) is kept four feet above the gravel throughout the grow. Some clones need to be watered every couple hours to get them going. I do this with a pump up sprayer and I direct the spray directly towards the roots and not the plant. I keep other larger plants in my bed. Otherwise, I'd just increase the watering schedule in my hydro unit if they were all new clones in the bed. Put them under flouresent if it's not to late. I don't think they were quite ready to go. In soil I find it best to keep the top of the rockwell cube close to the surface in dirt or even with the surface.


Active Member

So before I left yesterday I shut the 250 MH off and turned on 3 15 Watt CFLs and an incandescent light (can't remember wattage) to add some warmth. When I came home, things seemed to be slightly worse, but not much different. I decided to stake them a little b/c they were totally flopped over. They are pretty decent size clones, about 2 weeks old, and about 3-4 inches tall and were under floro tubes at the dispensary I bought them from so its odd that they would react so aversely to light. That said, 250MH is way stronger than floros so could still be that, but my point is: not like they were just recently put into rockwool. I selected them based on the amount of rootage springing out of the cubes. I'm hoping giving them some support will aid them in getting healthy again. I considered cutting the tips of some leaves to allow the plant to focus energy on roots but am holding off on that for now. Does anyone think this could be a rooting issue?

This morning I woke up and basically same situation. Looked a little dry, so I Gave them some filtered, distilled water mixed with 1tsp/Gallon SeaGrow all purpose organic nutes. Did this with the lights off and left them off when I left. I also misted each plant a little. I also took the computer fan out from inside the cab so as not to stress them with any extra encumbrances.

HELP!! Can anyone who's been in this situation and overcome it say how long it took to bring plants back around? I don't want to junk the plants prematurely, but at the same time wanna get my operation back up and running ASAP.

Thanks in advance guys!


Well-Known Member
Like I said the light was too hot.
Look at the stalks, if they havent flattened out you got a chance.
You're welcome.


Active Member
@Cruzer- thanks for the suggestion, will post back at end of day when I get home and can see if there has been any progress.

Any idea what the timeline looks like for reviving them?