Severe Nutrient Burn?

Schwag Bag

Active Member
Ok Jaw, what do you think about this. One of my sour diesel's is lookin different. The leaves are darkening, look sort of black, they feel kinda san papery, and have leaf curl downward. Does this sound like a nute deficiency? I havent given them much nutes in the last 2-3 weeks.

Also, the big SD is about to touch the ceiling of my greenhouse. I talked to my buddy and he thinks I should top it about 8 inches down, so I can have 4 big colas on top. Do you think I should do this? He says this will increase my yields, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Hmm...It's really hard to say, without any pics. When you say they are "darkening", are they getting a really dark green color? They can get almost black, and curl, from having too much nitrogen. But, if the leaves are actually dying, it's hard to say, without pics.

Topping, can work really well, for controlling heigth and producing more colas, as long as they're not already into flowering. Are they still vegging?(sorry, I forgot to read back and see how far along they are. Doh!) If so, topping them would be a good idea, and would likely increase yield. It might not be a drastic increase, but still, an increase. If they're into flowering already, you'd be better off going with LST, bending the main cola downwards, or off to the side, being careful to not snap the stem, then tied with some string to hold it into position. If you need to bend it further, wait at least a day, then bend it a little futher, and tie it off again. All the budsites will start to grow upwards, even though the main stem is sideways, and will create a bunch of mini-colas, so to speak. It's pretty much the same concept as SCROG, and works well.

Schwag Bag

Active Member
Ill post pictures of the darkening leaves tomorrow.

All of the sour deisels are still vegging, no signs of flowering just yet. The trainwreck, pre 98 bubba, mazar, and headband have all started to flower. I do want to top them, but I just don't know exactly how to do it. Guess I should get to reading, cause I definitely want to increase yield.


Well-Known Member
^Don't top those ones that have started flowering, it's a little too late now. There's not enough time for the plant to grow new main stems, so basically, you'll be losing your main colas, if you top them now. The others, will be fine. If you want to top them safely, go about 3/4" above the node you choose, and cut it at a 45* angle(approx.). It doesn't have to be exactly 3/4". Just as long as you're not too close to the node, it'll work great. If you get too close, you could damage the spots where the new grow tips will sprout. That's where the "Fuck, I Messed Up"(FIM) technique came


Well-Known Member
With big plants you need to flush them on a regular basis because any excess nutrients that the plant will not utilise will just be left in side the container and will cause a salt build up i would flush her but when i say flush her i mean wet that gal through and keep wettig her untill the run of is clear.For a day or so after she will wilt and look a little sad but she will bounce back Add a little root juice if you can get some this will help the plant gain a few more new roots.................tyke...............................................

Schwag Bag

Active Member
Thanks tyke for the advice, Ill look for the root juice

Here is some pictures I just took today7-28 014.jpg7-28 015.jpg7-28 016.jpg7-28 017.jpg7-28 018.jpg7-28 019.jpg7-28 022.jpg7-28 023.jpg The first three and the last two are of the plant I was telling you about. The leaves are blackening, feel papery, and have a downward curl. Hopefully you can see that. As you hopefully can tell in the digi cam, the plant as a whole is skinnier and doesn't look as good as the others.

The 4th, 5th, and 6th picture are of the big one that was burned. As you can see it is reaching the ceiling of the green house. The leaves are still turning that yellowish color and the tips burning. Not sure if this is still nute burn or what but it is still standing up and growing new branches everyday.

I gave them all have dosage of nutes today, and for the ones that have begun flowering I gave them the flowering nutes. I don't know why, but it seems to me that only the sour diesels are having problems. What do you guys think?
can someone help me out i have a plant that was flowering and my cfl light fell and landed on the top part of the plant and burned up the stem and a little of the bud and it only burned the vary top part of the stem but like its not crispy burnt its just brown in that top part where the bud is and its hanging down the side of the plant so i bandeged it up with a wef papor towle and the towle is holding it up right

IM WONDERING IF IT CAN HEAL ITSELF IF THE STEM IS DAMAGED LIKE THAT please help i have a video on youtube called EMERGANCY HELP PLEASE and theres a part 2 where u can see it bandeged


Well-Known Member
can someone help me out i have a plant that was flowering and my cfl light fell and landed on the top part of the plant and burned up the stem and a little of the bud and it only burned the vary top part of the stem but like its not crispy burnt its just brown in that top part where the bud is and its hanging down the side of the plant so i bandeged it up with a wef papor towle and the towle is holding it up right

IM WONDERING IF IT CAN HEAL ITSELF IF THE STEM IS DAMAGED LIKE THAT please help i have a video on youtube called EMERGANCY HELP PLEASE and theres a part 2 where u can see it bandeged
Start a new thread, if you want help, because alot more people will see it. Also, many guys skip over questions placed in another member's thread, even if they do see it. Just trying to help. :wink:


Well-Known Member
OK so here is whats up. After 2 weeks of feeding my plants 1/2 the dosage of Fox Farm grow big and big bloom, I upped the anti to full dosage, (maybe 1 tsp under) I gave this to all my plants, and the biggest one, which is about 3.5 ft tall, is experiencing severe nute burn.

Its going from the bottom up, the leaves are yellowing with black spots, and then dying and falling off. Every day more leaves up it are yellowing and burning. I have given it two feedings of plain phed water, 2 gallons and then 4 gallons. (Its in a 15g pot.) It seems to be getting worse! The others are barely burned, nothing like my big pride and joy! :(

What should I do? Is there anything I can do to save my big momma? It is outside, in a soil grow, in a green house. Still in veg cycle for atleast a month. What can I do???
If it was me I would have some pic's!