Severe mite infestation

Positively ID’d as two-spotted spider mite. That’s actually a relief, as the products I bought are all effective against this particular mite. This afternoon, I’m going to drench them in a PH’d solution of h2o, silica (armor si), & super thrive. I’ll spray under canopy first, so the solution isn’t pouring down on me from the over-canopy campaign. My goal is to wash off both Neem residue & dead mites. Maybe a few live mites. Give the plants a chance to breath. Vacuum out the saucers under my smart pots. Mop up floor with a moderately mild bleach solution, because their will be standing water. I feel pretty confident that I need fear no reaction between Neem oil (diluted) and bleach, so cool there (I think). Lights off, of course. There’s already a box fan & an 18” wall-mounted, oscillating fan in the room. I’ll throw another box fan in there, zip it up. Turning light down to 600w & raising it. Lights On is 4 hours from now (cheapest rates). Any experienced advise on co2 concentration, I’ll take it. In the absence of that, I’ll prolly turn it down from 1200 to...800. Keeping ambient air pretty cold & on the humid side (60%). There is some variance here as the ac & dehui cycle. There are no buds yet, dense or otherwise, & I’m maintaining a lot of air movement. Soon I will attack top & more importantly bottom, with clippers / scissors, but not today. Any clipping leave the house almost immediately to the garbage bin. That’s about as secure as I think I can get the dead material. Burning it in the city isn’t practical. No portable bonfires allowed. FD rolls up quick. The leaves I scoped for bug ID, I sealed in ziplock freezer bags before depositing in outside bin, directly. Not sure if I’ll be able to use that for larger amount of leaves. Oooooh. Epiphany: nearby ghetto apartment complex with open 20 yard bin.

Im gettin pretty high here, plus suckin down some La Ganitas Lil’ Sumpins, but I think my plan was to use the pyganic tomorrow. Little rest for the girls. I know my girls, & until a week ag, they were happy, strong plants. They will recover quickly, & I will do everything I can think of, to otherwise make their lives easy. They won’t run short of a reasonable food level or water. They’ll have enough lite to power defense, daily requirements, & perhaps build defenses. I will suck their collective dicks if I have to. That always makes things better!

Only other growing area I have is 4x4 veg tent, physically about 10-12’ from the 99% sealed grow room. Those plants will get roughly the same treatment regime.

I reached out to the friend who passed me the infected clones. He was candid about his IPC & specific products he used.Goal: to avoid solutions / products they were likely to have been exposed to before. No issue for me - no “contra-indications” between our approaches. Smooth exchange, relationship maintained, useful info obtained. After the pyganic, I plan Azamax- about 3 days later, prolly after a plant wash. Then we’ll slide into some organic solutions for maintenance. Really, I’m shocked how effective the small, simple, cheap steps taken have been. I know it’s just the first skirmish, but I’m very happy with the results of the campaign so far. Fuck those bastards. I will eat their fucking young.
Some pix taken w/ phone flash, some w/ HPS on briefly, up & turned down to 600w. Pix are after 3 days after Neem spray & 2nd time cutting out worst of the branches / leaves. After these pix, I drenched all 5 plants in PH’d water, with some silica & Superthrive, @ recommended dosages. Soaked the fuck out of them too n bottom after again cutting out leaves. Turned RH down again to 50-55 & ac / temp back up to 73, just to aid in removing moisture. Ya know my alarms started going off as all that moisture began to it the air. I pulled it off the wall & added another box fan blowing under canopy. Not smart enough to calc how long it’ll take to remove that moisture, but I’m gonna be eager to hit them with the next control agent, prolly the pyganic. My clothes in washer @ Very High (like me). Showered n soaped my ass up n down. Sprayers are cleaned out n ready for next military action. There is some plant growth visible yet. I read the comment that Neem oil is more preventative than curative. I don’t know the science, woulda used something stronger if I’d had it (& immediately ordered the “good stuff”). In my circumstance, the combo of temp drop, RH up, branches removed, & Neem oil (diluted) application had a substantial & visible impact. Maybe the Neem oil was just there for the ride, & the improvement (not cure) was due only to the other factors. I certainly accept that possibility, while feeling good about the result so far. I’m prolly a blunt instrument @ canna pest control, but I’m determined to make the environment as inhospitable as possible to the mites, w/out harming my plants more than necessary.


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Diluted Pyganic applied via $14 pump sprayer, about a 2’ wand on it. 1 ounce pyganic / 1 gallon h20. One can obviously make smaller quantities, in which case this stuff, as a concentrate, isn’t very expensive. The pyganic is white in color, & it clings to the measuring cups n such. Need soap to clean up. Bottle instructions were 1.0-1.4 oz per gallon, & I went with the “entry level” 1.0. Wore my VOC respirator, only my glasses - my old non-vented goggles were toast & UPS hasn’t yet delivered the new. It worked out. Pyganic says don’t spray to the point of drenching, product dripping off leaves. I sought a line between complete coverage & dripping. Had all fans off while spraying, including a/c & dehui. When I exited, turned all fans back on. Firm but not insane fan speeds. Cleaned up. Have not yet sprayed walls, surfaces, mopped floors. Plan to do a soil drench, but fed them 2 days ago, & I wanted to get outa the room. Without goggles, didn’t want to be absorbing vapors through my eyes. Dropped my bombs n ran.
Diluted Pyganic applied via $14 pump sprayer, about a 2’ wand on it. 1 ounce pyganic / 1 gallon h20. One can obviously make smaller quantities, in which case this stuff, as a concentrate, isn’t very expensive. The pyganic is white in color, & it clings to the measuring cups n such. Need soap to clean up. Bottle instructions were 1.0-1.4 oz per gallon, & I went with the “entry level” 1.0. Wore my VOC respirator, only my glasses - my old non-vented goggles were toast & UPS hasn’t yet delivered the new. It worked out. Pyganic says don’t spray to the point of drenching, product dripping off leaves. I sought a line between complete coverage & dripping. Had all fans off while spraying, including a/c & dehui. When I exited, turned all fans back on. Firm but not insane fan speeds. Cleaned up. Have not yet sprayed walls, surfaces, mopped floors. Plan to do a soil drench, but fed them 2 days ago, & I wanted to get outa the room. Without goggles, didn’t want to be absorbing vapors through my eyes. Dropped my bombs n ran.

Keeping your tools clean, and sticking to a pre ordianed schedule with just those 2 products and you should see a clean room in just a few weeks.

Feed normally, id leave the roots alone unless nessicary.

2 spot Mites dont do much in the soil, if they are their they are attempting to hide or get back to leaf tissue.
Right before your last week of applications, go through and do a medium defiolations, leaving uppper fan leaves but removing most if not all lower fan leaves.

This has 2 effects. One removes their breeding and feeding areas and gives your applications less surface area to cover and better air flow so your application's have a greater effect.
Keeping your tools clean, and sticking to a pre ordianed schedule with just those 2 products and you should see a clean room in just a few weeks.

Feed normally, id leave the roots alone unless nessicary.

2 spot Mites dont do much in the soil, if they are their they are attempting to hide or get back to leaf tissue.
That makes life easier. Ordinarily I like to run just a hair < 80F. ~ 50RH or less in Flower. (1200ppm co2). Thoughts on adjustments to that, in order to deter the mites? If any?

Thanks for the help.
3 hours after pyganic applied foliar


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That makes life easier. Ordinarily I like to run just a hair < 80F. ~ 50RH or less in Flower. (1200ppm co2). Thoughts on adjustments to that, in order to deter the mites? If any?

Thanks for the help.
Well, the environment our plants like is similar to what mites like. Temps near in 80, low ,40-60 ,humidty and they dont care about co2 thats a myth. Creating an enviromental that they dont want to breed or live in is a bit harder for cannabis, humidty needs to be higher like 70% and temps lower like 60, but plants dont like that so I wouldn't recommend for pot.
Well, the environment our plants like is similar to what mites like. Temps near in 80, low ,40-60 ,humidty and they dont care about co2 thats a myth. Creating an enviromental that they dont want to breed or live in is a bit harder for cannabis, humidty needs to be higher like 70% and temps lower like 60, but plants dont like that so I wouldn't recommend for pot.
Yeah, I don’t dare do 70% Rh even with all the airflow, especially 6 weeks on. I will regularly spray with safe solutions that make an infestation less likely, & I will / do maintain quite a clean room. I’ll inspect leaves at least weekly. After cycle, will empty room & nuke the shit out of it. I can afford to leave it empty for a month or two after, inducing starvation.
I’ll bleach solution walls n floor. I’m a small op, so I suspect easier for me than commercial. Less sq ft, less throughput, less bio-mass.

I know there will be stragglers, missed eggs, etc. If I keep temp @ 75, they’ll reproduce more slowly than 80 (w/co2), but the plants will transpire more slowly too, & I could use the “catch up” growth. I’m thinking 75-76F w/ 55RH for most of remaining grow, instead of 80F/50RH. For last bit, I’m gonna crank RH down as far as I can get it. Will be extra vigilant then I guess. Any advice re: those environment tweaks? Understanding that mites n pot plants enjoy similar environment, I wonder where I should draw the line.
10 hours after pyganic spray, 1 oz / gal water (I needed more like 1/4 gal). I think I can say I didn’t kill my plants, with either the Neem or the pyganic). Dosage AND PH (for the pyganic) as directed. CO2 is still at 800ppm, this am turned HPS up from 600 - 750, cause I think the girls are looking better already. I see new growth, what some call girls “praying” in several locations. I’m not looking for any heavy photosynthesis @ this point: just want to support healing & defense. Many yellow leaves to trim yet. Trying to avoid fucking with the Lights Off schedule, but still getting shit done.

Note: I believe Pyganic comes in 2 concentrations for consumer use: I used the less concentrated / cheaper. Follow label instructions.


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the only tried and true method is to use a propane torch and an icepick

apply sweet lady c3h8 to the plant, and when the little bastards come running out stab them in the face with the icepick

this method also works great for crabs
the only tried and true method is to use a propane torch and an icepick

apply sweet lady c3h8 to the plant, and when the little bastards come running out stab them in the face with the icepick

this method also works great for crabs
Which kind of crabs did u mean? As in “nit comb,” or “with butter?”
That makes life easier. Ordinarily I like to run just a hair < 80F. ~ 50RH or less in Flower. (1200ppm co2). Thoughts on adjustments to that, in order to deter the mites? If any?

Thanks for the help.
run that co2 at around 12-15k ppm for a few hours to kill the nymphs/adults. it may take a bit longer. The mites are not super heros ,. they are very easy to kill when there are no plants around, plain dish soap will kill the hatched eggs so keep that in mind for room cleanup. any ol bleach or vinegar will kill them on contact .... you wont have stragglers unless you have other plants for them to feed on.
when the plants are still alive , they pretty much are super heros. There is nothing you can do to the environment to deter them. They LOVE hot and dry but will thrive in cold and wet. The co2 wont do anything in regular concentrations.