

Active Member
ight. i got a 4x2 closet. about 6ft in height space. i got 3 plants in organic seed starter almost 2 weeks old. with 2 flouro lights. 1's and old school flouro and the other is a grow light. i was thinking of getting an MH light and eventually a HPS light but not 2 sure where to get fixtures without using the net. how great r CFL's?? ne recommendations to get a good harvest??

Ne input is is appreciated...


Well-Known Member
i have 2 100watt cfls for veg and 14 100watt cfls for flowering and only have had one plant die. i use organic soil too MG organic choice... cfls is best alot of people think and they work wonders for me


New Member
Thats what im gonna go with is cfls. They are sheap on electricity and if they burn out you get them replaced if they have the gd sticker on im a cheap bastard


Well-Known Member
Long ago I started w/ CFLs and didnt do 2 well on harvest, how ever not 2 say one cant achieve good results w them sum do it all the time,it just wasnt 4 me.
In my opinion ( and many others)u just cant beat HPS, its the closest thing to the sun ur gonna get indoors.
But however u grow keep us updated, who knows u may become a CFL master!


Well-Known Member
lol i agree with you 100% in every way :) every one has there choice of lights but i hated CFLs at 1st too but i got more for the flowering and they improved ALOT. agian tho send me a message if you need help and keep us updated


Active Member
well is there any other place besides a hydroponics shop 2 get MH ans HPS fixtures without ordering online?? cuz id like 2 get these bulbs but didnt wanna deal with my card ordering these things u kno. just tryin 2 b carful, u kno?


Well-Known Member
oh just get em online, 200 bucks for a mh/hps combo

cfl's are junk, get the hps to pack on some weight, it'll pay for itself!