Setup to go for?


New Member
Hi all i am a newbie in this field and would like to know what is best setup for me. I am wanting to grow about 5 plants indoor op with hydroponics.

Im just not sure what W light i should go for and what size tent best suits as well do i need somethinf that keeps the temp in the tebt at a constant 25 - 30oC? Help with all the details is much appreciated!

Ps. Is it worth buying a machine that dries and cures the buds for me


Well-Known Member
400-600w hps-mh or COB equivalent. And maybe 2×2 or 3×3 ft tent. Depending how big the pots/tubs are. You'll want at least a 4" fan for air exchange. And a carbon filter to match.

HPS and MH lights seem to produce bigger buds on the cheap. But, they output a fair amount of heat and bulbs need to be replaced. LED-COB lights can be really good. If you put down the cash for a good light. There's no bulbs to replace. And they output far less heat.


New Member
Thanks for the helpful knowlege dude! I was looking at an led first but i read a lot about how you have to find the correct height from the plant so you dont burn leaves or buds so went with the hps 600w bulbs.

Also how would i get the temp inside the tent to a constant 25-30 do i need a heater? How is it usually done?

Also what does the fan and carbon filter do im guessing filter swaps oxigen for C02? Thanks


Well-Known Member
The fan I'm talking about pushes old air out through the filter. Nullifying any smells that might escape. The fan will also help to exhaust the heat keeping it at a workable level. But only if the air going in is cooler than whats coming out.

You'll also want an oscillating fan in with your plants to simulate wind. This strengthens branches and helps to keep mold from developing buds.

That light of yours would likely produce more than enough heat.


Well-Known Member
Hps lights also have a height issue. But thats largely due to how hot they get. And the intensity of the light they produce.

Leds have it because their light is mono directional. And typically have some kind of lense or reflector focusing the light.

Both cases are to do with the inverse square law. Where a light can lose a decent chunk of its output just by being an extra foot or so further away from the target. Which in this case is the plants.


Well-Known Member
Smallest you can go with 5 plants is a 4x4 and that will be jam packed once you start to flower. If your not running cobs I would get a 150w HPS for veg and a 1000w HPS for flower and a big ass air cooled hood 3x3 will do.

Get a high volocity fan for the hood and a small fan just to blow at the walls in the tent as blowing directly on the leafs fucks them up. A 6x6 tent would be better though.


Well-Known Member
So if i bought one of these led.s would i not need a fan i.e to cool the light or do you need a fan anyhow
You need an extraction fan with a carbon filter regardless of your light unless you want everyone on your block to know you're growing. Seems like you've got LED and HPS switched around in your head in terms of heat... LED runs MUCH cooler than HPS. Most decent LED grow light come with built in heatsinks and fans to keep themselves cool, but they still pit out a lot less heat that any HID lamp.


Well-Known Member
Maybe start small. Learn to grow without pumping a bunch of money into a project. 1 plant in 3 gallon pot and a 150w hps or a Viparspectra LED would be a great start. Very cheap to begin.

Heat is a biproduct of light. You wouldn't believe how even 300watts of HPS will heat up a room without proper ventilation. You also might not believe how just 1 small plant can stink up your entire house... So a good fan and filter are essential.

Youtube is your best friend right now. Watch hours of free beginner videos.


Well-Known Member
Maybe start small. Learn to grow without pumping a bunch of money into a project. 1 plant in 3 gallon pot and a 150w hps or a Viparspectra LED would be a great start. Very cheap to begin.

Heat is a biproduct of light. You wouldn't believe how even 300watts of HPS will heat up a room without proper ventilation. You also might not believe how just 1 small plant can stink up your entire house... So a good fan and filter are essential.

Youtube is your best friend right now. Watch hours of free beginner videos.
If that ain't the truth. My first run, if you were walking on the sidewalk you could smell it. 1 plant scrog stunk like all hell!