Setting up Veg in Garage looking for Ideas on keeping it warm in winter. Insulated Grow tent or build out?

Go with a small unvented propane heater with a thermostat just the pilots on them put out 1000 btu, So those block walls are underground?
Yes the block walls on the sides are underground, block wall on the back is sepereating the garage from the basement. The veg room will be against one of the outside block walls (underground) and the basement seperating block wall to the basement.
Will look into the propane heater but worried it might be to large for the 10x10 area which will be prety full with plants.
Go with a small unvented propane heater with a thermostat just the pilots on them put out 1000 btu, So those block walls are underground?

I see ones that take those little camping propane canisters, I assume your talking about something that hooks up to 20pound grill tank right?
take some pics of what you do if you don't mind. i was thinking about a 4x4 area with 2x6s for more insulation? and off the floor too by 6 or 8inches too.

Heres round two of progress pics (forgot to tag you in previous post update). Near done now, just have to put foam board insulation on walls and floor. Then will figure out if im going to just put panda film up or something else. I fired up the heater and after a few hours it got it up to 70 degrees so im a bit woried it will be hard to keep warm with jus the 1500 wat oil heater when its colder in the winter. Not sure how much of a difference insulating the rest of it will make.
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As far as actual insolation, the spray in stuff is about as good as it gets going between studs. 1/2" thick sheets of Styrofoam is good too. You can go with 1/4" and get just as much protection, but you are more likely to break them during installation.

the spray in stuff is only good if it’s closed cell foam which is only possible with a actual foam sprayer- not the 10 dollar “great stuff.” You would need to pay someone to do it for you. It is the ultimate best insulation. But it isn’t worth the money.

I suggest building out a section of the garage. Use 2x4, plywood or sheet rock, and use the 4x8 foam panels (these are closed cell) and you use the canned foam spray to seal the panel into the wall.

keep the plants off cement so you need to insulate the floor some how. I have left over flooring from a house project I’m going to use. Going to be classy with laminate wood flooring.
How insulated did you made it? What foam thickness and fiberglass?
You may want to cover the cinderblock wall with a layer of foam board too. I’m currently planning out my build as well. My enemy is heat from the summer in SoCal. Same principles though.

You really can’t gauge the temperature holding ability of the room without throwing all your lights and fans in there. With enough insulation and that oil heater I would image that would be plenty. The room will be sealed so heat isn’t really escaping.
A really good setup would be a lot easier to design if you skip CO2 imo. That would allow you to pull air from outside or in the garage, and vent it back out to either the garage or outside and change it with the seasons. Heat in the room itself with oil heater(s) would be enough and ac with a garage window unit would help during the hottest months. Unlimited airflow available because vents are very easy to make through the garage and room. My 2c.
A really good setup would be a lot easier to design if you skip CO2 imo. That would allow you to pull air from outside or in the garage, and vent it back out to either the garage or outside and change it with the seasons. Heat in the room itself with oil heater(s) would be enough and ac with a garage window unit would help during the hottest months. Unlimited airflow available because vents are very easy to make through the garage and room. My 2c.
Would need a lung room to bring the cold air in and treat first.
My room is 8x20 with 12 foot ceilings in the corner of my garage. The adjacent garage space is kept at 50-60F. It gets -40F outside here and all I have to heat my room is 1000w heater. It is sealed with co2. Dehumidifiers in a sealed room are a must and add a lot of heat to the space. Once the room is completely setup there will be a lot of mass that helps with temperatures swings at lights out. Hopefully this helps a little.
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