Setting Up for My First Time Grow. Help Appreciated!


Well-Known Member
hi, im 17, iv recently bought some white widow seeds from my freind and i was going to set up and try and grow 1, this is my first time grow, im only wonting to grow 1 plant....
cud someone help me with wot i shud get to start.....
e.g. lights, soil, ect....

and is white widow a gud chioce for a first time grower? if no what is?

thanx in advance all.....
I say white widow is a tad bit intermediate but its up to you on how you wanna use you're seeds. There are lot of answers to threads like this already such as White Widow's guide to growing which is here somewhere but i dont have the link. There's also the Cannabis Grow bible that i have up on another thread in Newbie Central, so i hope this helps and remember...take care of your plant and your plant will take care of you. :)
In what way is White Widow intermediate? I'm not saying it isn't, I'd just like to know your reasoning.

Anyway, moler, you're taking a chance just growing one plant, the chances of you getting a female are 50 50, evens. If I were you I'd grow 4. At least this way you are almost guaranteed of getting at least one female. You'd have to be very unlucky not to.

if you're going to be growing in soil then you can buy ready made bags of soil and perlite. Then you're going to need either a HPS or MH lamp of at least 400w to set up directly above the plants. If you've got the choice then it is probably best to go for HPS as plants flower best beneath this light. That's your start. Do all of that, then come back and ask what to do next.

You could always check Widow's grow guide. This has everything you need to know. Just don't read too much, read what you need to read for now.
hey white widow is not intermediate it is just a bad choice for noobs because if u fuk up it would be a waste bagseed is what im starting at then once i get the hang of it i will get badass seeds
ok everyones givin me crap about white widow being intermediate, i just wrote that based on a friend who used it for his first grow and fucked up....bad. All his plants died (4) and he ended up giving up on growing. (I tried to convince him not to leave the green side for the dark side, but he invested alot of money and lost, and that can hurt) But anyways yeah white widows guide to growing is prob your best bet.