Set Up 99% complete need help/ PICS


Well-Known Member
Ok here is the Deal All I am waiting for is my Co2 gen-1. Here are some pics of my current setup. Here are my questions.

1. I cant clone for shit what am i doing wrong i have a cloner i have tried everything PH water everything done to perfection any tips on how i can get my clone rate up.

1. the 2 hoods you see in the pic is 2 1000wtt the tent is 6x6x6 is that over kill? im also putting the gen in there also.

Veg tent there is nothing special anything you think I would need to add?

My outlets are warm to the touch looks like a few sparks might have shot out dont know if that was from me... should i replace socket ?

Also the ballast u see on the floor is fine for the first 6 hours you turn it on then it starts to smell like something is melting you know the electrical burn should I replace the ballast?
My first thoughts would be yes but... it does not smell untill 6 hours of being in use.

The plans in there are blue berry skunk cross I threw them in there to test out the set up and make sure everything worked well can you believe they are 3 weeks into flowering and 5' tall!!!!!!! I have had to break them twice they were 1' tall when i put them in there.
I was going to throw them away and start with my new beans i got but i might as well keep them now I still have to test out my Co2 controller ( IGS 100) abd nt Co2 Gen

Please help me with anything im missing or I should change I want a perfect grow!!!

Thanks in advance guys.



Active Member
First of all, get your ballast OFF THE FLOOR.

Never, ever, ever have any electrical equip on the floor. Ever. You have a perfect shelf to put the second ballast you have on the floor.

As for the cloning issues. It is vital that you keep your clones happy. Ph, temp and ppm's are vital. They can go into shock quite easily.

I'm still new to all this, but this much i DO know :)
2 1000 watts in 1 6x6x6 tenet is a bit too much 1 should be for cloning its easier said then done, but all you have to do is take a cutting at a angle dip into rooting gel then into medium.Now with me i use a humidome and rapid rooter plugs so my clones start rooting the longest 7 days.

gwerns nugs

Well-Known Member
agree..Shultz take root into soil....or i use dip n grow fluid soaked rockwool....cut n stick into rockwool...humidome and heating pads is a must for 100% success rate. 2-1000 = overkill....1 is fine...worry about venting...u may have enough light but without co2 they dont grow :( lookin good tho keep growin!


Well-Known Member
you know many people have issues with cloning, when i first started it was the easiest thing for me to master, i guess some have it and some dont, try to make sure your clone tips are cut on angle for larger surface area,,,about that co2 gen, i never seen one in use but i have read on here it puts out some heat, and i have also seen an illustration here someone had it outside the grow room and pulled the air/co2 with a duct fan into grow space...also u said u have a cloner, most people make the mistake with over watering, for example if dealing with rockwool i know some on here often soak the RW too often depriving the stem of you keep the water jets on 24/7? i used RW and have 99.9 success and so far with my homeade aerocloner i am 100% and i use 15min on should see roots striking thru in a few days with that cloner, perhaps they are too small? and your tent is 6x6? thats 4 square meters, hell yea go with 2x1000watters! your goal is an LB per m2 and or 1gram per watt 1000watts = 2 1/4LBS need a strong ass fan to suck the heat out, good luck bro your setup looks good, and yea get those ballasts off the ground, as jorge cervantes said, electrics above the waist, water below it