Seriously contemplating kicking the bucket.

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Well-Known Member
Everything about this is actually correct lol, it was yersterday :D. I ain't gonna lie though, I am actually very slow, nickname for awhle now. My mom smoked pot when i was in her belly, so she fucked me up.
Thought it was crack....

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
Don't really believe in Karma either, lol. I'm not tryin to start shit either btw, I just agree with some of these guy on the fact that if you are going to TALK about killing yerself then you have a problem OR you just want attention. My comment was in fun, a very dark fun, but fun none the less lol.
oh i see sry bro dont be like some of the guys here dont stupe to there level



Well-Known Member
LOL She just told you it was "white, rock hard nugs" just didn't clarify
Shit man, my mom is the worst mother to compare anything to as far a parenting goes, except what not to do. I seriously am surprised im alive or as healthy as i am

EDIT: I seriously am surprised im alive or as healthy as i am ....... Which isn't as healthy as I want to be.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
hopefully the saga of all this will give her something to look forward to. ;)

i'm a helpful kinda guy. :)
thats what im tryin to give her positive feedback so she stays in the living life....cuz then what would we all do without her?

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
its cool we have chicks here but its seems like theres allways someone to put them off

riu was a sausage fest for a while
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