seriously another issue- what the hell - w/pic


Active Member
so couple days ago, i was having a PH issue where my PH was too high for hydro, i went out and bought a meter instead of using the chemical ph tester and found my ph at 7.7- so i went and corrected it and this morning i went to check on them, and all of them look happy- execpt for 1, the rest have there leaves up in the air all firm and even thou they are yellowish they havent been that perky. so this one in the back, just drooped, the whole plant just started drooping.

The strain is - Cheese
under 400w mh
1/2 nuts- dutch masters Gold- (which im starting to hate)
on 4th week
ph- 6.3
ppm- 1084 - is it normal for the ppm to be at 1084?



Well-Known Member
Well, Check my posts.. .I dont have any meters. Sure, i went thru 3-4 clones in beginning :) but WHAZAM ! My beauties.. sure i dont know my ph.. But do you know your WIFEs blood sugar level ! LEAVE MY BABIES ALONE ! they have feelings too ! but anyway back on subject.. . maybe its the shyt nutes. Use foxfarm. DWC is GODSENT.


Well-Known Member
oh any for your question.. . maybe the PH down you added in the water diddnt mix well enough b4 you watered. BURNING your plant. PH down is acid you know.. .


Well-Known Member
iiDont check PH. I just add a little ph down to my distilled water for my Hydro. Plants are still kicking.. .


Active Member
So you think that maybe Ph down- did this- hmm- i mixed it pretty well. If thats the case- is recovery out of the question?


Well-Known Member
never out of the question, could be your water is way to cold? shocked plants? uhm, Just wait & see if they pop back up. What kinda setup, lighting?


Active Member
they are under at 400w mh in a 2.5 x 2.5 x 5.5 tent,, its about 80-85 in there- and the water was pretty cold, i didnt think anything of it. blah i fail at this shit lol


Well-Known Member
No keep at it, you have to personally see plants live and die to get anything right. Becomes fun after a while when you play with LST or topping. Shaping your plants how you want is fun. Yea, if water is REALLY cold it cant shock plants, I normally let it sit in room temp for a while if cold. Uhm, iiUse a 600w. Never checked my ph b4.


Well-Known Member
could try getting them to week 3-4 with no nutes at all just ph water, when their roots have settled in then add nutes.


Well-Known Member
your a fucking idiot, please quite trolling and telling all these people not tomeasure there stuff, just because you are managing to make it 5 weeks into flower without measuring does not mean you will be able to finish your grow properly. people need to know their ph and ppm to make a decision on how to care for their plants.
what kind of medium are in those pics. i am new to this and thought Ffarm will be pretty good.

and the 2.5 2.5 5.5 tent, is that just for the seedlings. how long do the plants stay in there?



Active Member
I am using rockwoll and clay peletts, the 2.5x2.5x5.5 is from my veg out tent, i have a 5x5x7 already setup for my flowering room with a 1000hp light in it.
the earilest you can take plants out of the growing tent is 18inchs, u can keep them there as long as you want.

So can the plant make a come back?