serious question for serious people (passing a drug test)


Well-Known Member
Aight guys, so I have a good question for anyone that thinks they understand the physiological effects of the question is: my girl is starting a new job jan 1st, she weighs about 110 w/ a BMI under 18% (shes tiny and was a cheerleader for a few years here so she has a lot of muscle)....if we smoke on a daily basis when is the latest she would need to quit smoking to ensure she passes the test? (assuming she drinks 8 glasses of water a day and takes 3 cranberry pills every day). I know THC proteins remain in fat for a while, so body composition is important to know....any one have any thoughts on how long she has to quit smoking to pass the test on jan 1st??

I included a pic of my baby...had to share the glory



Well-Known Member
she wont know what day she is getting it, it could be anytime the first 2 having piss strapped to her leg or using detox probably isnt going to work so well


Well-Known Member
Buy some synthetic piss... theres some stuff that worked for my girlfriend. Its called "Quick Fix" its around $35 but it works... It has a hand warmer to keep it at the right temp. it has a 2oz bottle full of fake piss... and a temp strip. and you stick it in ur underwear...

oh and dont throw it away... drug testing facilities check the trash cans after each screening...


Well-Known Member
hmm it comfortable for her to wear around for a week...she is always up doing something in her job...she is super would that be annoying to wear for a week? any thoughts on when she would need to actually quit to pass the test w/ out synthetic help??


Active Member
If the job is important, she should stop smoking now and will pass the test no problem.

I stopped smoking for 6 weeks before a drugs test I knew I was getting. Passed with flying colours.

On a side note, cocaine/ecstasy/heroin all disappear from your system within days and it's very easy to pass a test on Monday morning if you were partying on the Friday (this is an actual fact from a few people I know who also were tested and passed).
Cannabis is one of the longest lingering drugs that stays in your system.

Moral of the story, tell your gf to quit cannabis for a while and stick to the class A's!


Well-Known Member
Now with what you said about her she would need to stop 3 week's befor the test, given she know's what date they will test her so i would go 29days to stay on the safe side. and if your time is up i would go with all above.


Well-Known Member
yea we dont fuck w/ the synthetics...i stick to organics, so jtalo, are you reccmmending 3 weeks (21 days) or 29 days? just trying to get a good estimate, just got my hands on some sweet sour diesel that she needs to enjoy too....anyone else have any thoughts on how long she needs to stop smokin to pass the test on jan 1st?


Well-Known Member
Drink lots of water all the time, its the only way you can pass with your real piss at the drop of a hat. I have smoked hours before a test, but drank a bunch of water and still passed. I have failed a couple of times too, both times .1 Microgram over the minimum required to fail. Fortunately my boss is cool and just makes me go get a drug addiction evaluation. The addiction counselors all laugh and just write me a get out of jail free card and its back to work as usual.


Well-Known Member
haha nice...aight so by the sounds of it...stoppin on say Dec 10th, would be plenty of time to pass on Jan 1st? drinking lots of water (5-8 glasses a day)


Well-Known Member
Usualy 72 hours and you can piss clean by drinking Dill pickle juice at night b4 bed so your brains fatty tissue can expell some of the exces. Then get yourself some Sonneys no.7 you can get it at GNC It has bentonite wich attaches to protein (THC) and send it through ur poop shoot rather than urinary. 2 tspoons a day. dont even have to quit smoking weed.both dill juice and sonnes work together as detoxificant lots of water and juice.


Active Member
Again, if the job is important she should stop smoking as soon as possible.

Everyone gets tested at my work, every 6 months as well. I stopped 6 weeks before my initial testing to make sure. Many people at my work smoke weed and do other drugs. More than one person has FAILED after 30 days without smoking. 1 person I know of failed after 6 weeks without smoking.

I think it has something to do with your metabolism, but I'd be lying if I said I knew.

One more time...if it's an important job, then the answer should be easy. If she would rather get high than keep her job, then it's not important and should find work elsewhere as most companies who drug test WILL test their employees either randomly or at set intervals (3/6 months).

EDIT: seeing the other posts here, some companies must have some VERY lax testing!!! I can't say who I work for, but they take test failures extremely seriously resulting in instant dismissal and details being forwarded to the police. they are now considering hair testing (which is incredibly precise and accurate...and can tell if a person has used cannabis at any time within at least the last 6 months). Their piss tests also can tell a persons rough age and diet (seriously) and the age of the actual piss so you can't get your mates clean stuff. you also have to provide a second sample if yours is diluted with water (oldest trick in the book) also test for vit b6 tablets and other compounds which colour watery piss. its serious stuff here lol, but I know people who have worked years smoking and getting away with it but stopping 5-6 weeks twice a year.


Well-Known Member
hmm do all that for 3 days before the test and ur good? Drink like a whole jar of the dill pickle juice? haha i cant see that happening, but atleast she is taking cranberry pills...ill go pick up that sonneys too, ive never heard of that...thanks for the help man....any other words of wisdom?


New Member
The body needs 7 weeks to totaly 100% clean up of any cannabis trace trust me, i went for my bus test been a daly smoker for years (23) to be exact, i done alot of reading about this, if she really wants the job any drink etc is a gamble, 7 weeks off the shit she passes. fact.
Google cannabis in system etc.


Well-Known Member
isnt 7 weeks like the max though? assuming the person has a high % of fat and doesnt drink enough water? I would think that would be significantly reduced by drinkng a ton of water and taking cranberry pills...i mean is that not right?


Active Member
Some tests are dip a bit of reactive paper in the piss. Others are laboratory testing (like mine, read EDIT above for info!).

To play it safe she SHOULD stop smoking as long as she can manage before the test.
Leaving it any sooner and she will run the risk of a high-tech test catching her out and she will lose her job and possibly worse.


Well-Known Member
the boss is a penny pincher as she says, so im sure if he is paying for it than it will be the cheap strip test....i think we will pick up the sonne's #7 that looks like it may do the trick over a few weeks...thanks for the help guys


Well-Known Member
Again, if the job is important she should stop smoking as soon as possible.

Everyone gets tested at my work, every 6 months as well. I stopped 6 weeks before my initial testing to make sure. Many people at my work smoke weed and do other drugs. More than one person has FAILED after 30 days without smoking. 1 person I know of failed after 6 weeks without smoking.

I think it has something to do with your metabolism, but I'd be lying if I said I knew.

One more time...if it's an important job, then the answer should be easy. If she would rather get high than keep her job, then it's not important and should find work elsewhere as most companies who drug test WILL test their employees either randomly or at set intervals (3/6 months).

EDIT: seeing the other posts here, some companies must have some VERY lax testing!!! I can't say who I work for, but they take test failures extremely seriously resulting in instant dismissal and details being forwarded to the police. they are now considering hair testing (which is incredibly precise and accurate...and can tell if a person has used cannabis at any time within at least the last 6 months). Their piss tests also can tell a persons rough age and diet (seriously) and the age of the actual piss so you can't get your mates clean stuff. you also have to provide a second sample if yours is diluted with water (oldest trick in the book) also test for vit b6 tablets and other compounds which colour watery piss. its serious stuff here lol, but I know people who have worked years smoking and getting away with it but stopping 5-6 weeks twice a year.
I have heard some BS before, but they absolutely do not forward the details of your Piss test to the police . My god if they did they would be sued out of existence. What the fuck are the Police gonna do? There is no evidence of a crime you see, its not illegal to smoke marijuana per se, its only illegal to possess it. Providing any kind of official medical information to anyone without your permission is very much illegal.

the test we take is the very accurate EMIT testing with gas spectrometry and all that jazz thrown in.


Active Member
man i just water load up a day or so before the test and water load about 4-5 litres the day of the test and after about 4 pisses im fine (never test the first piss of the day)


Well-Known Member
go to gnc and get a pill called niacin its the best pill for passing test works 100% of the time just take about 4 pills prior to going to sleep every night for 5 days and you will be clean clean :) see niacin opens up ur pores and flushes your system. take b4 u sleep because if u dont you will have a burning sensation all over ur whole body and u will be in pain untill the pills ware off.AGAIN GET NIACIN!!! its only about 15 bucks for small or 25 for a big bottle