Serious Question About Sex


Active Member
alright so i am a guyof course an when i get in bed with my chick i bust way too quickly like we do it for 5 10 mins an then there i go blowin the load how do i cure that anyone have/had this problem?

if you are going to read please reply
well, you can pace yourself. work up through the gears you know, go fast then slow down. also, changing positions will help and maybe stopping for oral
You can masturbate a hour before or so and it will take longer the 2nd time around. Me and my girl when we do it we usually lay in bed for hours doing it. Im okay with getting off a quick 5-10 minute load then laying there with here and talking or watching tv then going at it again for like 30-40 minutes. the 5-10 minute quickie gets her warmed up too.
If i want to make it last longer i stop and get oral/give it and also change positions alot.
its all in your head dude
while you're pounding away at her insides, concentrate on rhythm and your breathing...when you feel you're about to bust pull out n start eating her OR just change the tempo of your stroke
well it is wierd cause the longest i can last at non stop banging is 15 mins, but then again one night when she was giving me head to start it all off she was going at it for about 1 hour an she was like my neck hurts can u hurry up so i had to make myself blow on her it took bout 1hour 5 mins to blow an then we went at it for like 2 hours :P but maybe it was the coke we did .... i never do coke again either that stuff is wierd
lol yea coke can do weird shit to your dik prob was that but seriously if u want to stop busting rub one out in the shower b4 u see her and then it will take u much longer to cum or like it said disrupt yourself by going down on her in the middle of sex but every once in a while you cant stop it
Spend more time on oral. Start by eating her out and don't stop until she's screaming and shoving your head away in ecstasy. You'll make her so sensitive down there that its literally a sensory overload for you to continue. It's fantastic. Make sure you focus on her clit though, that's where they are most sensitive to oral and as much as you desire to shove your tongue down into her pink and soak up all those juices, you have to keep that to a somewhat minimum.
After she's had hers, let her suck on you for a while and when she's got you close to cumming, change pace again. Go back down on her again, she'll come even harder the second time. After that, you can have her suck on you again or you can get down to business and even if you do bust your nut early, she still was able to come several times. It's a win win.
Jerk it. Try and enumerate your pleasure. Whenever you think your gonna go stop for 30 seconds. Repeat. Do this a few times n you'll recognize when your close. You can then pace yourself, know when to take it easy to last longer. I remember high school.... Sigh....
if your having problems keeping it up after u bust a load fast you should try to take viagra once in a while, ive taken it plenty of time to have a marathon. you bust like 3-4 loads and your still rock hard, women think your a pornstar on this stuff, its great.
i agree with the others that have suggested having a wank before hand... but, ive found that if you still finish early, and can put up with the oversensitivity then just keep going, and if u keep using ur cock it wont get soft... you can go for hours doing that...
Take her down to the local porn store and buy her a little friend, one that requires batteries. Let it do most of the work for you.
5 to 10 minutes is perfect.

sex is mostly a waste of time, and there are usually better things to do with my time. Sorry, this is my opinion.
As a person who may or may not be in the medical professions. This is not an easy one solution problem. There are many different reasons for this problem. Age, health, experience, mental issues the list could go on.

However from the wording and vocabulary used in the post I’m going to say you might be in the age range of 17-25 years. In which case I’m going to tell you that this is pretty much a normal complaint of your age group. Don’t be discouraged, that age also means you can perform again in 15 to 30 minutes and each time should get longer. If it does bother you and is more of an issue, I suggest going to the gym. Being physically fit with a higher testosterone level will help.
I could do her first and loosen her up. lol but seriously Desencetizing spary from ur local adult mart those shity lifestyle condoms 2 condoms wacking it or when u fell ur nuts tence up eat the pussy, fuck her in the shower it wont help but it sure is fun. Good luck dude
I'm going with diagnosis # 1 - premature ejaculation... and jerking off before hand will help.. jerking off more often will decrease sensitivity slightly.. but dude.. I'm sorry and at least it doesn't take hours for you to get off cus that gets painful for us girlies :] cheers!
if your having problems keeping it up after u bust a load fast you should try to take viagra once in a while, ive taken it plenty of time to have a marathon. you bust like 3-4 loads and your still rock hard, women think your a pornstar on this stuff, its great.

well it is wierd cause the longest i can last at non stop banging is 15 mins, but then again one night when she was giving me head to start it all off she was going at it for about 1 hour an she was like my neck hurts can u hurry up so i had to make myself blow on her it took bout 1hour 5 mins to blow an then we went at it for like 2 hours :P but maybe it was the coke we did .... i never do coke again either that stuff is wierd
If you can last an hour with head, she either sucks or you don't have any problems what so ever haha. One time I was stoned around 6pm then around 12ish I went to town with this girl sexy as could be double d's(BOSS) it had to been over an our of non-stop bangage she was havin orgasms like crazy lol then pop it in the other then went for another 30 lol it was crazy I never bust that night. I'm pretty positive it had to be with being stoned earlier because I've never had that happen lol. I never had sex stoned either, I'm sure its amazing I'll have to try that soon lol. I'll post on my results :hump: and see if the same thing happens

(btw I love your sig hah)