Serious Problem (w/pics)


Active Member
the leaves on my plant are yellowing and falling off. i feed it flora bloom and flora micro once a week and i follow the dosage on the bottle. i dont have a ppm meter so i cant say the ppm. the plant has been budding for 2 1/2 weeks and i have it in a rain forest 36 system with an air stone at the bottom.
every morning i go take a peep at the beauty and i have to take at least 2 leaves off because their yellow. none of the leaves at the top are doing this only the bottom and lower middle.... but today it was 6 leaves and it has turned into a serious problem.




Well-Known Member
Id say they are falling off because of lack of light. Most of the plants work is going into the buds right now.


Active Member
yea my buddy was saying to cut the fan leaves off and it will be fine..
the roots are fucking huge i cant even lift them out of the res. because i have 3 inch net pots ..
and i dont have a submergable thermometer but the temp in the closet is 75 in daytime 60 at night..


Well-Known Member
Do not cut the fan leaves off until they are completely dead. They are still doing photosynthesis. Once they are completely brown and crispy, then you cut them off.


Well-Known Member
typically when there brown and crispy they just fall off at that point. is there anyway we could see them under a different light? its really hard to tell under the hps everything looks yellow, you are in bloom but you still need some nitrogen, and light in the 6500k range will still have a bennefit in flower, do you have a ph meter at least? but if i were you i would go get a ppm meter. and try adding some peroxide to your res it adds some oxygen to the water its possible your roots have just overgrown the res and covered your air stone causing it to not be able to get air to all of the roots in there.


Active Member
the roots look great their off white but i kno its not root rot..
ill take more pics tonight when i turn the hps off..the ph is 6.

how much peroxide should i put in it? its a 5gal res.


hi, just been trying to find a similar problem to the one im having and this seems to be the closest. im growing in a soil autopot system and a my plants have gradually been getting paler and paler. the worst now are light lime green and its really starting to worry me. i have about 4 weeks left of flowering and i really don't want to stunt the growth at this stage. the plants are affected all the way through and is most distinguishable on the fan leaves which have a slightly blotchy complexion like a subtle leopard skin. they have been gradually yellowing for weeks now and i must find a solution. i have recently been foliar feeding them epsom salts mixed 1 teaspoon to the gallon to boost magnesium and nitrogen but a few days in no change. from what i gather it might be a good idea to flush them to clear out possible problems but not sure if thats a good idea at this stage. ALL HELP APPRECIATED, THIS IS MY FIRST GROW AND WOULD LIKE A HAPPY ENDING. thanks