Serious Problem Helped Needed ASAP +Rep


Active Member
There plants are going on 8 weeks old and have been very healthy up untill this point. This morning i woke up and one of the tallest plans appeared to be drooping. After checking the plants about 4 hours later the plant is drooping more and all the other plants seem to be drooping. Now 4 hours later again all plants are showing drooping and bottom leafs are showing yellowing. I havnt watered the plants in two days and it was with clean water ph 6.0. The watering before that was about three days prior and consisted of a nuterient solution from homboldt (the three part solution). The closet has been victim to some temp fluctuations but nothing serious in the past week. The temp right now is 81 and peaked 87. Any information on these plants will be greatly appreciated i've included pics from today. +Rep


Active Member
alright feller. im new to growing but based on what you have said it could be the temps and that u havent giving them water for 5 days. have you checked the soil to see if it needs watering? and how much nutes did you use?


Well-Known Member
So you added the Humbolt once or have you been feeding them? What is the Ph of your run-off? Check for rootbound plants, especially since your problem started with the largest plant first.


Well-Known Member
I'd say that it's from the soil being too dry in those high temps. When i have little ones in 16 oz cups, they have to be watered quite a bit when it's hot, or I end up getting the same sypmtoms that you're describing. I'm not positive, but I think that the plants start eating thier own leaves after the soil gets too dry, and that's why they start yellowing. That's my theory, anyway.LOL
All you need to do is stick your finger down in the dirt and if its dry then water it and if its wet dont water it. I dont think its a water problem other than mabey you added to much nutes. Your ph seems good but a picture would help. Maybe try to keep the temp from 78 to 85 try not to let it go to high but I don't think 87 means its time to panic or anything.


Active Member
Thanks for the topic but, does anyone know why when i try to upload pics it says a security token is missing? It gives me the option to contact the admin and i've done so twice with no response.


Active Member
I would also have to say temps with not enough water. just check your pots weight when dry as compared to when wet. That should be an easy way to tell if it needs water. Mine droop just as you describe when they are bone dry. Every 2-3 days is all i water mine.