Serious hurricane warning :( Help! (w/pixx)

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
This coming up sunday we are supposed to have a very bad hurricane. winds reaching up to 80+ mph.. my girl is in the ground and huge... 7.5' tall.. buds are well on there way and her branches are getting heavy as fuck. How can i save her should i wrap her in nets? and good ideas or pix will be so helpful thanks



Well-Known Member
Damn that's a beautiful plant! Wish I had advice to help you out... I'm sure someone will... Just had to comment on that plant! Absolutely mouth watering, and there aren't even buds yet... Good luck protecting your baby (more like full growin' woman) Props!:clap:


Active Member
Nice plant! Id sink some 4x4s around it in concrete and board that beauty up hehe
Thats actually not a bad idea. Only construct pyramid style to a point on top. The side branches will come in. Something heavy on sides.. like plywood or heavy canvas straped down very well. It may be exposed to some very heavy winds and strong winds no matter.. as it will come close from what I hear, but land north of you. Whatever you do..Dont depend on the trunk to hold your tree up...


Well-Known Member
Holy mother of god. What a beautiful mature lady you have there!!!

No wonder you're peaking, I'd be too!!

We don't get hurricanes here, but do get cyclones. For this reason I always grow in a pot. But sheeeze. Looking at your baby (err mummy), I think I better start putting them back in the ground.

I think putting some sort of structure around it would be my choice (damn brick wall her in lol). Hope all goes well, wish you all the best and pray that storm misses you by far.


Active Member
Much luck to you bud. If you get 80mph winds, there isn't much you can do. If you strap it down enough, the leaves will be torn off one by one. Hopefully it misses you.


Well-Known Member
I'd get digging holes, get some iron pipe, concrete and construct a Curly Howard structure around it. A T-pee shape would be best or anything with an angle to allow rain to drain off. What to drain off of is the other question? 6 mil plastic? Plywood? Netting aint going to help. I think 6 mil plastic doubled up could do it if it is secure enough. If in doubt build a shed around it.


Active Member
YEAH I would say build a barrier around it n tie like a pool cover over it so it wont get alot of wind and rip shyt up good luck im suppose to have a hurracane myself on sun