Serious AK47... Anyone have it recently?


Well-Known Member
Saving them until they will no longer germinate defeats the purpose of purchasing them in the first place.
IME they last quite a while. :P I had a pack of Chronic and AK-47 which were puchased along side the kali and I had 100% germ rate on them.

Unfortunately I had to abort the Ak, but the Chronic made some great iwe.

I also live in a place with a pre-elementary cannabis culture. Ain't no growers around here and if there are they are ultra secretive about it, just like I am.
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Well-Known Member
That's pleasant news to me considering my kali Mist were purchased around 2010. :weed:

but I'm not exactly an advanced grower. Any tips should I decide to crack them?
I would definitely crack them and take the advice of the other poster in regards to an open pollination. Maybe take your best few males and cross them to the best female? I made a few hundred F2s in the event I didn't find anything spectacular. Now I have a bunch of beans and a f1 mother I'll never let go 8-).

As far as tips go, I'd just be patient. My long flowering sativas love light doses of a 9-3-6 formula from start to finish. They seem to like the spots in the garden that aren't directly under the lights and I'd also suggest 11/13 light schedules (12/12 is just fine too). Ultimately the key is to minimize stresses, keep them healthy, and avoid harvesting early. Don't go by tric color, go by how the plants *look*. Plants get a ripe *look* at harvest and that's when I'd recommend harvesting. If you stress her, don't keep her healthy, and harvest a leafless, yellow plant then I promise she'll smoke like sh*t.

Kali Mist:




Well-Known Member
I would definitely crack them and take the advice of the other poster in regards to an open pollination. Maybe take your best few males and cross them to the best female? I made a few hundred F2s in the event I didn't find anything spectacular. Now I have a bunch of beans and a f1 mother I'll never let go 8-).

As far as tips go, I'd just be patient. My long flowering sativas love light doses of a 9-3-6 formula from start to finish. They seem to like the spots in the garden that aren't directly under the lights and I'd also suggest 11/13 light schedules (12/12 is just fine too). Ultimately the key is to minimize stresses, keep them healthy, and avoid harvesting early. Don't go by tric color, go by how the plants *look*. Plants get a ripe *look* at harvest and that's when I'd recommend harvesting. If you stress her, don't keep her healthy, and harvest a leafless, yellow plant then I promise she'll smoke like sh*t.
Thanks Homebrewer. When you say 11/13 which is the dark period, 13? @Bob Zmuda mentioned your advice with combination of Dyna Gro. Does Dyna make a 9-3-6 formula or do you just mix your own from a 2 or 3 part formula?

I'll definitely be chucking some pollen when I do get to them :D


Well-Known Member
So what's your best guess on a timeline for when Kali Mist was good, not so good, then good again? I bought a pack around 2000 that was unreal. Best smoke I've ever had. Bought another 2 packs around 2009-2010...which sucked.

So when did they take the Afghani out of the equation? Would they be closer to the original if I were to buy a pack now??
I thought I read on their old website that the switch and then the switch back happened sometime in the late 90s. The switch back earned them another cup for Kali Mist:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Homebrewer. When you say 11/13 which is the dark period, 13? @Bob Zmuda mentioned your advice with combination of Dyna Gro. Does Dyna make a 9-3-6 formula or do you just mix your own from a 2 or 3 part formula?

I'll definitely be chucking some pollen when I do get to them :D
Yes, 11 hours of light and 13 hours dark.

DG makes a 9-3-6 they call foliage pro. Botanicare has a 3-1-2 formula that should work well too. Any plant food in that range of higher N, lower P, medium to higher K should be great.


Well-Known Member
Yes, 11 hours of light and 13 hours dark.

DG makes a 9-3-6 they call foliage pro. Botanicare has a 3-1-2 formula that should work well too. Any plant food in that range of higher N, lower P, medium to higher K should be great.
Thanks a ton. This information could be the difference between failure and success! cheers


Well-Known Member
I would definitely crack them and take the advice of the other poster in regards to an open pollination. Maybe take your best few males and cross them to the best female? I made a few hundred F2s in the event I didn't find anything spectacular. Now I have a bunch of beans and a f1 mother I'll never let go 8-).

As far as tips go, I'd just be patient. My long flowering sativas love light doses of a 9-3-6 formula from start to finish. They seem to like the spots in the garden that aren't directly under the lights and I'd also suggest 11/13 light schedules (12/12 is just fine too). Ultimately the key is to minimize stresses, keep them healthy, and avoid harvesting early. Don't go by tric color, go by how the plants *look*. Plants get a ripe *look* at harvest and that's when I'd recommend harvesting. If you stress her, don't keep her healthy, and harvest a leafless, yellow plant then I promise she'll smoke like sh*t.

Kali Mist:


You're actually the big reason I wanted to give Serious 6 a try. Like I said, the plants themselves have definitive promise in a perfect world, but outdoors is not a perfect world. Anyway, that's a beautiful specimen and looks absolutely positively nothing like the Kali I see being sold around here which has much more indica style nugs. The Kali around here is decent but not fantastic. That looks fantastic. Were all the phenotypes you sampled similarly long flowering and obviously equatorial? Or were there some less equatorial samples as well?


Well-Known Member
You're actually the big reason I wanted to give Serious 6 a try. Like I said, the plants themselves have definitive promise in a perfect world, but outdoors is not a perfect world. Anyway, that's a beautiful specimen and looks absolutely positively nothing like the Kali I see being sold around here which has much more indica style nugs. The Kali around here is decent but not fantastic. That looks fantastic. Were all the phenotypes you sampled similarly long flowering and obviously equatorial? Or were there some less equatorial samples as well?
I had 5 females in my seed pack and 4 of those were similar to my keeper. The fifth female was this anomaly of a plant that finished in 55 days and produced small, resinous clusters of seed bracts with rocket fuel potency. She may have been the stoniest plant I've ever smoked. The rest of the females were as you'd expect from a near pure sativa pack of beans. A friend of mine bought a pack about 3 years ago because he liked mine so much and found an 85 day female that produced denser flowers that were stonier than I'd prefer. He didn't go through his whole pack but I liked what he found and actually grew it for about 6 months along side mine. For the sativa lover, there is great stuff in those kali mist seeds but you gotta be patient.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Those are all good points and I can't argue with the environmental factors and user errors you mentioned IF watching in a movie theater, which is something I rarely do for those very reasons. hahahah

I prefer the comfort of my own home where I can comment on the movie to my wife or fart or have a dab or pause to take a leak at my pleasure. :)

But y'all know what I was getting at. We each have our own opinions and interpret our experiences differently. :P


IME they last quite a while. :P I had a pack of Chronic and AK-47 which were puchased along side the kali and I had 100% germ rate on them.

Unfortunately I had to abort the Ak, but the Chronic made some great iwe.

I also live in a place with a pre-elementary cannabis culture. Ain't no growers around here and if there are they are ultra secretive about it, just like I am.

Is that the chronic by bulldog, I'm 2 weeks ish from finish, what was the bud like


Well-Known Member
I've grown out a few ak47s.
My Serious ak47 came out great.
I tried Pyramid's and it did not turn out so great.
My buddy sent me some old F2s of Serious and I had a nice mom for a couple years but I had to let her go to do some work on my house.
Believe it or not my favorite AK47 so far was an auto, Joint Doctor Easy Ryder is f-ing great.

Serious Kali is my favorite strain. I had a nice mom that I also had to flower just like my ak47 mom. I am on the search for another kali mom now. I love it so much I tried to Name one of my daughters Kali but my wife wouldn't let me.


Well-Known Member
I love AK-47...I've had the same cut for a decade now -- great high, flavor, and bag appeal.

And for what it's worth, as far as Kali Mist goes, this is the e-mail I received after inquiring to Serious Seeds regarding its quality/genetics:

"We know about the rumors around Kali Mist and her pre-2000 version.

We are very honest about it and write on our website that Kali Mist has been improved in 2000.

Contrary to what you've heard, that was NOT achieved by crossing in an afghani plant to shorten the flowering kali mist are no afghani genetics at all...

Simon selected a new fatherplant from the same breeding stock as the pre-2000 father was, because the original father was lost in a police raid in 2000...

The current version of Kali Mist has won 9 of the 11 awards behind the name Kali Mist, she always was and always will be our sativa-queen.

With best regards,

********** "

I specifically asked in the email about the 07' thru 09' time period -- apparently they're saying it hasn't been touched since 2000.


Well-Known Member
Last run I did in fall of 2013 from seeds purchased in 2007. Much more indica than my previous AK's, big buds with huge calyxs.
A tad generic in my mind, but was still a good smoke.



Chef BrownSauce

Active Member
I ran a pack of regular AK-47last year...don't waste your's not the same anymore.
Yea man. I grew two from seed. There was barely a high to be had. Cured the same method as my og kush but still no high from it. Just sleepiness. So that's what I have it for..