seperate N,P,K in the uk


hi, iv looked online before but cant seem to find it, does anyone know where i can buy seperate pure N,P,K nutes in the uk? thanks in advance, brett


Well-Known Member
Why would you want seperate NPK's?

You do realise that you'd also need trace mix containing the micro's for healthy growth.

Then you'd also need Ca and Mg.

You'd need silicon, Hynix acids. The list goes on.

And finally you'd need to develope a mixing formula to get the right levels of each element. Then a way to test if you have enough of each element.

What are you trying to accomplish?

Generally most people buy VEG nutes FLOWER nutes and PK1314 then some add additional additives.




i dont plant on making my own nutrient mix, just so as i can adjust the nutrient mix as nessecary depending on the plant variety, they all have different needs. i guess no one knows where to get em, suppose i could do it organically...bit messy though


Well-Known Member
How are you trying to grow?

You can get MONO nutrients.

CANNA makes Mono nitrogen, mono potassium, mono phosphorous, mono calcium, mono magnesium and trace mix.

If you go organic then you buy things like bat guano, sea kelp, bone meal, blood meal etc etc.
