Sensi Seeds - JACK HERER


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear you have had to get rid of your plans mate. :(
cheers mate, but no need to be sorry. It's just a decission I've come to after much consideration. I've got a few ounces of nice JH curing in my jars...and quite a bit more on the way. I don't sell any, so it's all for me. So I've just decided I want a bit of variation in my stash.

hey've got a plan....and you're walking forward. its all good. you've done a good job so far, and your learnings will only provide you with more opportunity to continuously improve. excellent work man! continued good karma your way! cheers!
Hey T...thanks very much dude, nice of you to stop by with your positive vibes man, thanks! :) As I said above. My plan mostly revolves around wanting a bit of variety and of course something that finishes a bit quicker as well. So The Cheese will be next. There are just too many good strains out there to just keep cloning and growing the one strain.


Well-Known Member
Hey there Snow how you doing mate, its been awhile since i popped in here aswell.
Whats going mate,the pics on the other page Jack clones? sorry bit lazy to read today lol

take care ze


Well-Known Member
How grows it S.W?

Busy busy busy we hope; trimming mountains?

I ent bloomed J.H yet. Took 12 Kutz a couple weeks ago [from big-momma] as I'm trying to prepare enough mothers to provide me with 50 clones to bloom later in the year (end of summer). I think I'll keep big-momma on ice at the back of the veg room until I decide to do the same again next year.

Above is my current grow. Started week 4 yesterday. Today is April fools day, I just checked the calendar and realised. In the room are 54 cheddar of 2 phenos under 5 600s. Might be the BB and original cheddar pheno characteristics that I can see (not visible from above pic i don't think). All in 6L pots besides 7, which are in 1L pots and are doing very well in their 500ml bed of coco. Hoping to have them finish by the end of week 6, so another 3 weeks or there about.

Looking out for your new thread if there will be one.


Well-Known Member
yo HG...that room looks sweeeet dude! Very nice work my friend :blsmoke:

My room is not so sweet :( It's been badly neglected badly for the last few weeks and sadly, all my plants have died in the later stages of flower, so it's ok, I do have bud to harvest, just not as prime bud as I know it should be.

The plants had TOTALY dried out in the last week due to my neglect. All the leaves are shrivelled and dead and even the buds are drying up on the plants. I drowned them all with loads of plain water, but they're just not taking it up and 3 days after watering, the buds are still dry on the outside and the pots are still wet and heavy. So I'm just going to call it the end for these 6 clones and I'll harvest them on Monday. I'll be keeping the best buds for smoking, then rest is destined for bubble hash along with all my trim I've been saving.

So this is pretty much the end for this journal. I'm too ashamed to post any pics, it's just not a very pretty sight.

What's up next? Well, my plans have changed....again! I'm going to put my Cheese and the one remaining Jack Herer mother straight into flower next week, after my room has a good scrub down. These should yield pretty good as they've been vegging for so long. I'll take some cuts from both before I flower them, just to keep my options open. But the big next strain for me is going to be Black Dominia (or maybe Hash Plant) and once I've decided I'll order the seeds from Sensi next week and get them started in my veg cupboard. Just 45 days flowering for the HP :mrgreen: 50 for the that's what I'm looking for! :blsmoke:

Look out for my future journals once I'm up and running....I will be starting one up eventually. It's all part of the process for me now :)



Well-Known Member
yo HG...that room looks sweeeet dude! Very nice work my friend :blsmoke:

My room is not so sweet :( It's been badly neglected badly for the last few weeks and sadly, all my plants have died in the later stages of flower, so it's ok, I do have bud to harvest, just not as prime bud as I know it should be.

The plants had TOTALY dried out in the last week due to my neglect. All the leaves are shrivelled and dead and even the buds are drying up on the plants. I drowned them all with loads of plain water, but they're just not taking it up and 3 days after watering, the buds are still dry on the outside and the pots are still wet and heavy. So I'm just going to call it the end for these 6 clones and I'll harvest them on Monday. I'll be keeping the best buds for smoking, then rest is destined for bubble hash along with all my trim I've been saving.

So this is pretty much the end for this journal. I'm too ashamed to post any pics, it's just not a very pretty sight.

What's up next? Well, my plans have changed....again! I'm going to put my Cheese and the one remaining Jack Herer mother straight into flower next week, after my room has a good scrub down. These should yield pretty good as they've been vegging for so long. I'll take some cuts from both before I flower them, just to keep my options open. But the big next strain for me is going to be Black Dominia (or maybe Hash Plant) and once I've decided I'll order the seeds from Sensi next week and get them started in my veg cupboard. Just 45 days flowering for the HP :mrgreen: 50 for the that's what I'm looking for! :blsmoke:

Look out for my future journals once I'm up and running....I will be starting one up eventually. It's all part of the process for me now :)

Hey man this problem also affects me.
Once i am caned it is just so easy to neglect,forget or just think fuck it and not tend to the plants.
If this is a problem for you and you know it get a drip system or some kind of feeder and use it only when you know your feeling irresponsible.

I use water crystals to help mine as well as they store moisture and nutes.
Anyways best of luck with your next grow and don't worry about it man we have all harvested in the past smoked loads and then been lazy with the other unharvested plants:mrgreen::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey Nat...cheers for the support man, but I'm not worrying, it's all cool and I'm just excitied to be starting a fresh batch in the flowering room and some new genetics. I'm also excited about the primo hash I am going to be making soon :mrgreen:

Although a bit of the neglect was due to me being very high on my own harvest, it was mostly due to life issues getting in the way. Work, holiday and more recently, a litter of kittens! Just have to try and work round these things though as life is always going to get in the way.

I did have an irrigation system setup while I was away for a couple of weeks. This just about kept my plants going, but my watering schedule was not properly dialed in and this was the start of my problems. I never really pulled them back from this, they were starting to recover with a bit of TLC, but then I went and left them to dry out again and that was really the end for them!

The plan for my next batch is to use BIG pots again. 15litre (4 gallon-ish). I know you don't need pots this big to grow fine weed and they take up more space. But they also need watering less frequently and also less feeding as there is more volume of good quiality soil, so therefore more stored food for the plant. I'm hoping to just have to water them once, maybe twice a week. Compared to once every 2 days, this will make a big difference in terms of maintenance.

My new journal will be started soon from Day 1 flower......Featuring my JH#5 mother, the fastest finisher of all my Jack phenos @ 9-10 weeks....and The Cheese will be also be making a star appearance.


Active Member
Was wondering how tall they are at now? would love to grow jack but im limited in height so I think a more indica would be more suitable for me... maybe jack cross ??????..... BUT GOOD WORK I BET ITS CERTAINLY PAYING OFF NOWWW!!! :blsmoke: