sending stash


Well-Known Member
anybody got any ideas about sending my stash across country? im moving and i dont want all that shit on me theres some states will send me up for life between here and there fuckin draconian laws i got people there but i dont want to implicate anyone


Well-Known Member
well, I once knew a guy who would go out to cali and fed-ex a package full of weed back to the east coast... it worked.

Its risky... but i would have it send to a bogus address like an apt. complex and sit and wait on the fed-ex dude to pull up and get out with ur keys. and say "ah, what great timing... is that for me?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Put your stash in a dark colored jar that seals tight. Box it up with some other stuff and mail it to your new place. I have friends that do it all the time.


Well-Known Member
couple a oz plus various items of paraphenalia
if you got any metal, ship seperatley from the bud, and make sure its wrapped reeeal tight in a couple layers of plastic. has worked for me everytime, although i ship it only 2 states away to a family member

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Don't forget, it's worth the extra postage to mail a "accidentally busted open" bag of VERY fragrant coffee inside your package that has your vaccuum sealed containers of bud in them. Make sure that none of the coffee spills out, but the fragrance will over power that of any lingering smell the vaccuum may let escape.


what i did was rather easy,

get your weed bag, put that bag inside of another bag

get a new jar of peanut butter, pull up cap, peel the foil seal about 3/4 way off

use a spoon to hollow out a nice little core for your bag inside the beanut butter

place bag inside

place peanut butter on top and smooth out

close foil cover, close lid

syran wrap that once so its airtight



Well-Known Member
what i did was rather easy,

get your weed bag, put that bag inside of another bag

get a new jar of peanut butter, pull up cap, peel the foil seal about 3/4 way off

use a spoon to hollow out a nice little core for your bag inside the beanut butter

place bag inside

place peanut butter on top and smooth out

close foil cover, close lid

syran wrap that once so its airtight

that's a pretty good idea, actually wow, even if you have a few oz, it's cheaper than most methods

if i had rep points i'd give them to you for that, i'm going to rmemeber that.