send President Obama a message..


Well-Known Member
natural gas is good, and it is alot better than buying oil from the middle east, but like Nuclear its not PERFECT, wind isn't PERFECT and neither is solar power. But we don't need PERFECT there is a give and take in everything. We need to get the nuclear plants builts ASAP, we need to get the wind mills up, we need to get the solar panels up (how about solar shingles for every house?). we need to get the trucks running off natural gas. Unless you want to keep sending billion of dollars to the middle east (ain't talking about the war) unless you want to keep gauging out are mountains and polluting the air with coal smoke, there needs to be some kind of compromise.

i agree, but i think the likelihood of a compromise in washington is about nil. the constitution was a compromise between federalists and antifederalist, and the early United States followed with compromise after compromise. Its a big part of what America was about. Nowadays its the Republicans pulling the block one way and the Democrats pulling it the other, and we get absolutely fucking NOWHERE!!!


New Member
so they have plenty to last the next few hundred years.
But then what?
And it is not 100% emission free like hydrogen is.
And as for electricity,, water, solar, and wind power combined. All 100% clean and renewable.

Here is a start,, I'm still not sure why the government isnt paying for every possible car to be converted. :confused:

Run Your Car on Water

things like this should have billions of dollars of funding to end our dependency on foreign fuel. It will only pay off.


New Member
Dude lol if you believe that I got a time machine I want to sell to you, $79.99:eyesmoke:
I do believe it. In fact I have done plenty of research on hydrogen Technology. It is 100% viable. We just need to put up the big $$$ to get the shit on the road!

Oh, but its not a market that can be dominated like oil so....:cuss:


Well-Known Member
We just need to put up the big $$$ to get the shit on the road!
why spend the big $$$ they are selling those "kits" on the website you posted for like 100 bucks why don't buy one for yourself? than you could run your car on water


New Member
why spend the big $$$ they are selling those "kits" on the website you posted for like 100 bucks why don't buy one for yourself? than you could run your car on water
that is only water assisted. this is just some Joe with no government funding.

Read the article more carefully before posting your ignorance please:mrgreen:


New Member
i mean, if we could fill up our cars at home with our hose wouldnt that be great?

I have seen with my own eyes hydrogen seperated from water through means of electrolysis. Its quite a simple method.

Someone just needs to take money (maybe we can tap into the "war" fund") and get it started.


New Member
Oh look, another one

Hydrogen Technology Applications, Inc.

  • For users of oxyacetylene and other industrial gases who cut, heat, solder, braze, or fuse, Aquygen™ is a new industrial gas that offers greater performance and safety at a lower cost and with no toxic emissions. Compared with oxyacetylene, Aquygen™ produces no toxic fumes, can be produced inexpensively on demand, heats and cuts faster and more precisely, and can work different materials simultaneously.
  • For vehicle manufacturers, Aquygen™ is a fuel additive that can significantly increase fuel economy and efficiency while decreasing polluting emissions. Unlike other alternative energy sources, Aquygen™ is an evolutionary technology that requires minimal modifications to existing systems to produce tremendous benefits.


Hydrogen vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know its wikipedia but it's proof enough that hydrogen vehicles do exist.

and look

some more info on HT

Directory:Hydrogen - PESWiki

and even more

wait, there is endless information on hydrogen vehicles and hydrogen technology on the internet



Well-Known Member
For somebody who has "researched Hydrogen", You should know the difference between running a car of water and running a car off of hydrogen gas. You think you can run a car off WATER which is laughable:dunce::dunce::dunce:

Let me break this down barney style for you chuckbane. Cars can run of hydrogen, but the most efficent use of hydrogen is in the the use fuel cells ( Vancouver — Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies - National Research Council Canada ) they way fuel cells work is that the fuel cells stores the hydrogen energy in these batteries, than in turn these fuel cells produce electricity that moves the car. You would still have to go to hydrogen station and fill up on hydrogen Image:Hydrogen vehicle.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Here is the kicker chuck In order to produce this hydrogen you either need to use fossil fuels or nuclear power NOT WATER. YOU CANNOT RUN A CAR OFF OF WATER. It would have to defy the laws of physics. This idea you have in your head that you can convert water into hydrogen is totally a bogus claim that has been around since the 1960's also known as "Brown gas" con-artists have been scamming fools like you who are dumb enough buy into to this pseudo-science so they can sell you there "conversion kits". The guy who invented this bullshit HHO was found guilty for scamming people Stanley Meyer's water fuel cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you realize the difference between running your car off of hydrogen (true) and running a car off of hydrogen that was converted from water (bogus)


New Member
For somebody who has "researched Hydrogen", You should know the difference between running a car of water and running a car off of hydrogen gas. You think you can run a car off WATER which is laughable:dunce::dunce::dunce:

Answer this Was 9/11 an inside job?
Water is the source fool. You take the water and extract the Hydrogen through means of electrolysis. When the hydrogen re-combusts with O2 (air) water is re-formed.

So essentially the car IS being run off water. I mean, you start off with water and you end up with water.

Natrone, Everything I have read from you has been laughable.:mrgreen::blsmoke:

Answer this!

Are you as arrogant as you come across as?



New Member
Here's some info on Honda's hydrogen car:

Here's some info on BMW's hydrogen car:

Honda is also developing a devise that converts water into hydrogen. The devise can be plugged into any home electrical outlet. So, you can have your own hydrogen generating plant in your garage.



Well-Known Member
Water is the source fool. You take the water and extract the Hydrogen through means of electrolysis. When the hydrogen re-combusts with O2 (air) water is re-formed.

So essentially the car IS being run off water. I mean, you start off with water and you end up with water.

So what your saying this is perpetual motion machine :roll: you would only have to fill up with water once and than just keep using it over and aver again for infinity lol You have just proven my point you just cant keep making energy out of nowhere. .

The fuel cell purportedly split water into its component elements, hydrogen and oxygen, which were then burned to generate power, a process that reconstitutes the water molecules. According to Meyer, the device required less energy to perform electrolysis than the minimum energy requirement predicted or measured by conventional science.[1] Also, if the device worked as specified, it would violate both the first and second laws of thermodynamics,[1][2] allowing operation as a perpetual motion machine.


New Member
So what your saying this is perpetual motion machine :roll: you would only have to fill up with water once and than just keep using it over and aver again for infinity lol You have just proven my point you just cant keep making energy out of nowhere. .

The fuel cell purportedly split water into its component elements, hydrogen and oxygen, which were then burned to generate power, a process that reconstitutes the water molecules. According to Meyer, the device required less energy to perform electrolysis than the minimum energy requirement predicted or measured by conventional science.[1] Also, if the device worked as specified, it would violate both the first and second laws of thermodynamics,[1][2] allowing operation as a perpetual motion machine.

Natrone, I know you are trying to be really smart here but you are forgetting one thing. we are adding electricity to the mix. Hydrogen is simply the fuel. The electricity is the actual force creating the energy.

And for that electricity we can use a combination of solar power, wind power, and the power of falling water.


Well-Known Member
Natrone, I know you are trying to be really smart here but you are forgetting one thing. we are adding electricity to the mix. Hydrogen is simply the fuel. The electricity is the actual force creating the energy.

And for that electricity we can use a combination of solar power, wind power, and the power of falling water.
exactly right but that is totally different than running your car off hose water


New Member
They are working on running the total car on HHO or browns gas, but for now, The current way is with a mixture of HHO and gasoline. I've been contemplating this for months, but I drive so little that it wouldn't be cost effective for me, Maybe in the long run, but a 300 dollar conversion would buy my gas for a year. There were a couple of guys that claimed to have perfected the extraction of pure hydrogen and used it to run an ICE but they have either died or dissapeared. It makes sense in the common sense arena, Hydrogen, a highly explosive gas, and oxygen, needed to create any combustion are both neatly contained in water. All that is needed is complete separation and recombination at the perfect ratio. lt Seems that modernity, after creating nuclear fision, could handle that simple chore.