Selling weed for college money?


Active Member
I'm 18 but still in 11th grade (it's a weird story that I won't get into). Anyway, I can't afford even a state school. My parents are refusing to help, and I can't get a loan. I have a job, but I calculated everything, and I won't have enough for even 1 year tuition (5000 bucks).

I want to start selling weed for college tuition money. I know I can't make 20,000, but if I'm sure I could make a few thousand in a year, and that would help with my tuition a lot. I grow my own, by the way, so I was thinking of growing a lot more plants and selling them for really good prices (where I live it's 10 dollars a gram, but I could sell for 5).

What do you think? Is it worth it?


Well-Known Member
BE very VERY smart about it. Don't grow on campus. read everathing you can on here, and watch both Barry Cooper movies.

Usually I would say don't even bother risking it, but if there was ever a good reason to sell weed, it's to pay for school.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I did some time in the clink and I saw alot of young pot dealers in there. Not too many older ones though. shhhhh! You've already told too many people your business.

Disco Pwnstar

New Member
BAD IDEA. the average kid new to the game is going to make mistakes, its inevitable. but the second you get caught you loose ALL government aid so keep that in mind.

if you want my personal opinion, if your smart enough to hustle, stay out of jail, and stack your money... then you prolly dont need collage.

if you do decide to sell take it slow, learn from an og, and pay attention. try to learn something everyday about the business, rights with police, body language, self defense, red-flags, evasive driving, ect., ect. there are a huge range of roles in the underground market, decide what you are comfortable with before you get into the game. goods,temptation, access to harder drugs, girls, power, and money will affect your decision making if you are a good earner. the key is to have a bookmark to look back on to make sure you are the same person and you are on the intended path. these things will be what separates you from the people getting caught. most of them sell because they are too retarded or lazy to work, but with a sharp mind, respect for the game, and a thirst for knowledge to hustle there is nothing that can stop you.


Active Member
if you're thinking in grams. you're in for a shit load of trouble.

if you really want to get a degree - take out LOANS. seriously. that's probably the BEST option.


New Member
Did you file a FAFSA?

I sold in college, not to pay tuition but to be self sufficient on rent, car insurance, food, etc. I had to stop after I realized I was selling to half the ASU basketball team at once and there were cops parked outside the apartment for seemingly no reason two or three times a week. My guess was that they were trying to build a case so that by the time they knocked on my door, it would be too late.

Can you get a job with the school? That will often get you reduced tuition.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Ditch the weed,move to the hood and sell crack.You'll have the tuition money by the end of the month.Until a smoker kills you and takes all your shit lol


Well-Known Member
Grants, my friend... there are grants out there for you.

Or, you can serve your country in the Guard or Active duty... and pay for college that way with the GI bill as I am.


Well-Known Member
That's another thing to be careful about. You can murder someone and still be eligible for government grants, but a drug charge will disqualify you from any government grants for life.

Even if it's a misdemeanor.