sellin joints at college


Well-Known Member
so i was thinkin, i like smokin, and i like free stuff, so why dont i buy a qp(i can get mids for 250), roll it all into nice joints (1- 1.25 gram joints with my roller) and sell em at my college for like 10 bucks a pop. i figure they are all dumb college kids looking for a quick high with thier friends, its a cheap fast smoke, and everyone is happy. so what do you guys think? Its a midwest school. Mids usually go for 35-40 a quarter around here but i figured i might have a nice niche market. i dont wanna go big just make enough for more qp's to roll for free.


if you're paying 250 for an ounce, I'd wager that the weed is good enough for you to sell single grams for 15-20.


Well-Known Member
if you're paying 250 for an ounce, I'd wager that the weed is good enough for you to sell single grams for 15-20.
No. He is saying $250 for 4 ounces (quarter pound) If you think people are gonna pay 10 bucks per gram for mids your nuts.



Active Member
ya im a college student and i would never buy weed pre-rolled...wouldn't know shit about the quality, i would grow good weed and sell good weed for 20 a gram to college students so their happy and your happy, everyone wins...


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, most college kids now have been smokin for a good while
You could get away with rollin a blunt, MAYBE
But even so, $10 a joint, thats stiff

I would think that people would be sketched out about buying an already rolled joint/blunt
I know i wouldn't wanna do that lol


Well-Known Member
yea i was debating those same points in my head. most of the people ild sell to though have all already propositioned me about it as everyone knows i use medically anyways. as for the sales plan i was literally thinking of goin to the smokin area and lighting up and when they ask just saying the price and having like 1-3 on me(a small number thats easily destroyed/eaten)


Well-Known Member
If you were real smart about it though, you wouldn't sell it at all, your putting yourself as a patient in danger, of loosing your card and doin some time


Well-Known Member
I spose i should make a clarification, i am a medical user, and used to live in Colorado where i had a legal medical card, but now live in a state that is a bit behind the times. although there is a huge medical community and we do stick together, it is still very much underground. So im not worried about losing my med status lol. But yea i am still in the debating stages... and i am way paranoid about people i dont know, i think the army did it to me lol, idk...


Well-Known Member
i say try it out if people buy it, then sell it. just be careful, this way of selling may have a higher profit margin, but you have to sell more and have to interact with more people, some of whom you do not know. selling larger amounts to fewer people is always preferable. do not risk your government grants, loans or scholarships on selling a few joints. to me it is not worth it, but your circumstance maybe different. dont get greedy.