Sell me on Hydroponics!


I am just finishing up my first soil grow. I have 15 plants in all stages of growth in a 3x2 closet. The closet is 6ftx3ft so I am only using the back of it. I have decided I wan to go with an ebb&flo. I will only be begging for one week as I want to keep them short and quick. I'd rather have many small plants than a few big ones. I will probably have two independent setups so I can do a staggered harvest.

Now, I know hydroponics is better than soil, but my question is this.

Let's say I've got two clones from the same mother. I put one in soil and one in hydro. What will be my yield, height, and total time difference? For example let's say the soil plant yields 1 ounce and finishes in 65 days an is 2ft tall. Why would that plan had been grown hydro with light/temp and all other conditions being the same?

Thank you all and if anyone has links to a ebb&flo diy that would help.


Well-Known Member
When I grew in soil I had to do a 8 week veg time to get the size I wanted WITHOUT topping.

Now I can get the same size plants... topped (hacking off 3-4 nodes too... not just the top node)... in 6 weeks they are ready to flower.


Active Member
Hydro gives great results when you're good and attentive to the system, so make sure you're ready to work a little harder than you would with soil, but once you got it down it's great.


Well-Known Member
Dont let people scare you with the work harder stuff. Just build yourself a quick and efficient daily routine.

Its EASY PEASY! PROMISE! Dont over complicate things. Keep your pH and PPM under a constant monitor and you will do just fine!


Active Member
Much faster VEG stages, I do 3-4 weeks after I clone. You will have less bugs, probably spend a lot more money, and might even fail the first time. All I can say is watch out who you take advise from, a lot of experienced growers here, and a lot of hot air too.


Active Member
i got a 4x4 ebb an flow tent. this is my first grow, and yes, urbanaero was right, ull spend alot of money. i got almost 2 grand in my setup and im still finding tons of things, big and small, that i could add to make it more efficient. but i had a buddy who grew sum outside his house last summer. planted early may, harvested early september, his tallest plant being about 17". my grow, i planted april 1st, currently on day 7 and ALL of my plants are already taller and bushier. its definitely worth the money in my opinion, from what ive seen anyway. as long as u do ur homework, follow instructions and just experiment, ull catch on quick. check my sig for my 1st grow, i think mine are lookin decent