SELECTIVE browning of leaves...


Active Member
Querkle 30 inches... Indoor... vegetative... 78 F/ 50% RH

Using 120 watts CFL

200 ppm Flora Nova vege formula... pH at 6.3 with RO water.

Watering when the soil is dry down an inch.

History: Experienced a bit of powdery mildew but was eradicated by two applications of organicide

PROBLEM: only ONE leaf was browned then all of a sudden more leaves start to brown from the tips around the MIDDLE to BOTTOM of the plant. The BIGGER fan leaves were affected first.

Newer leaves are twisting and seem weak.

Wild Guess... but perhaps it might be root rot?

Thanks for any help!



Well-Known Member
How big of a pot are you using? How long have they been veg. for?

Also when the soil dries enough to lift the plant out of the pot do it and check and see if you have a ton of roots and if there not white more of a brown color.

If so get a bigger pot and transplant, thats all i can offer for now.

Looks maybe that you might be over doing it on the nutes, but i dont know your brand of nutes and the dosage you should be giving them. Sorry for that lol.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Can't help man, I'm sorry. I'd lean towards root damage from the transplant, or maybe a pH issue with the new media.

I think you need to give the plant some time to see if anything further develops. If it continues to get worse and progresses up the plant then I'd give the media a good flush and balance the nutrients and pH again.


Active Member
yeah well i just flushed it see it reacts... mightve been a nitrogen since more leaf tips were gettin crisp and darkish green leaves