Hahaha that's awesome the stair part especially I can picture the guard getting off and carrying it down the stairsThey had those for mall cops back in washington. I saw a guy screwing with a security guard on one. "So what are you going to do if I steal something and run can that thing keep up with me? what about when I just push you down? and how about when I run through that crowd of people or through the tables at the food court or through a clothing store and out a back door or how about when I just go down these 3 steps right here?" It was SOOO funny!
Just mall cops. They cant even carry pepper spray. They can radio someone to call the police.they'd use their walkie-talkies or whatever and call in to have a cruiser sent over ya big 'thilly goose!
LMAO"Sir, I'm gonna need you to stop moving around back there and hold onto my waist please."
Im picturing a futuristic version of the Dukes of Hazzard...all segways tho"Please empty your pockets into the basket and place your hands on the handle bars please."
Segway cops chasing a shop lifting granny or fattie on a mobility scooter..... EPIC!!i wanna see a high speed segway chase!
With fucking lasers and shit.....epic. Call Hollywood...Im picturing a futuristic version of the Dukes of Hazzard...all segways tho
Fuckin lasers make anything kickass! Im callin ASAP!With fucking lasers and shit.....epic. Call Hollywood...
Agreed..Cr Evil go the ball rollin with "Sharks with frikien laser beams"This is very true. The world needs more lasers. It would be a lot more interesting.