Seem like a good college schedule?


Well-Known Member
So as Im finishing up my first semester of college, im pretty happy. I have decent grades, (A in art history, B+ or A- in french, and either a high C or low B in political science), do all my work, just need to work out smoking and going to class. I dont go very often if Im tired or just want to blaze.

Anywho, Im taking units next semester. Political Theory, Algebra, History (1600-Modern Era), Sociology, and two guidance courses (Its really only one course, but with two different course codes, taught by same teacher, same time, same room. Its a career reasearch class)

what do ya think?


Well-Known Member
I havent quite decided my major yet, which is why i took the career guidance courses.
I would have taken harder math and science but my math skills are so weak I needed to start from the basics again


Make sure you take some interesting classes. Then you'll want to go. Entry-level history classes always bored me to sleep.