

Well-Known Member
I finished grows with orchid nutes.all of them are good just some you can push harder because they are more balanced for your plant. But then again each plant and growing enviorment has different needs.

If your looking for best bang foe buck go wigh dry nutes masterblend or jacks they last more than a year( you cant spens a whole bottle on a hobby grow) and they are cheap as fuck i am still using my first bag almost 4+ yeara now paid for it maybe 40€


Well-Known Member
Are you hand watering pots of dirt or coco? Are you dripping onto rockwool blocks or small pots of coco? Floor and drain? Or?
The reason I was asking about your setup is i will recommend Megacrop 1part over anything else out there if you are say hand watering pots of dirt or coco. If sending those nutes through drippers, etc, or even a recirculating setup, i wouldn’t completely recommend the megacrop 1 part as it could kinda gunk stuff up. My go to for those setups is still the maxi series by GH for the simplest or go with Jacks 321 to save some money. There’s nothing special about one brand of nutes over another if you are comparing 2 complete nutrient formulas, but you sure can waste allot of money buying cannabis specific nutes thats for sure. Most addatives are worthless. Keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
Are you hand watering pots of dirt or coco? Are you dripping onto rockwool blocks or small pots of coco? Floor and drain? Or?
The reason I was asking about your setup is i will recommend Megacrop 1part over anything else out there if you are say hand watering pots of dirt or coco. If sending those nutes through drippers, etc, or even a recirculating setup, i wouldn’t completely recommend the megacrop 1 part as it could kinda gunk stuff up. My go to for those setups is still the maxi series by GH for the simplest or go with Jacks 321 to save some money. There’s nothing special about one brand of nutes over another if you are comparing 2 complete nutrient formulas, but you sure can waste allot of money buying cannabis specific nutes thats for sure. Most addatives are worthless. Keep it simple.
I've been running Jacks in veg, Maxi in flower and might run Megacrop again on one plant... if there aren't issues with my little diaphragm pumps and water rings.
Any suggestions on calmag with MC and RO or tap? My tap is 1.3 ec!


Well-Known Member
I've been running Jacks in veg, Maxi in flower and might run Megacrop again on one plant... if there aren't issues with my little diaphragm pumps and water rings.
Any suggestions on calmag with MC and RO or tap? My tap is 1.3 ec!
I’ve been using the MC 1 part almost exclusively now since it hit the scene. In quite a few different setups with different starting water. From very soft tap to relatively hard well waters. Haven’t experienced many Ca problems or Mg problems with the MC. I grow in mostly dirt or a light soil nowadays. So I’m not sure if MC will have enough if your in say coco only.
I’ve found over the years that if you’re using a complete fert, and at the right strength you’ll experience less, if any, strains or cuts that are Ca or Mg hogs. That number is 1.7EC. In dirt with plenty runoff or in a recirculating setup.