Seeking Guaranteed Fast Flowerer


So, the title is pretty self explanatory. Seeking a strain that is guaranteed to flower in 61 days or less.

I have a separate veg and flower room, so Im seeking a 60 day-er so I can get in 6 harvests in a year.

I am after an indica/indica dom plant (but I doubt I even need to state that since im after such a fast finishing strain).

I've obviously looked myself, but as we all know the finising times stated by the breeders is a little different in the real world. I've come across a few strains that say 45-55 days. But when I then research the strain and see other peoples grows online, I see 65+ days.

So what are some guaranteed fast flowering plants that I should be aware of?


Well-Known Member
This blackberry kush I got is pretty fast...only 3 weeks into flower but it is ahead of the rest of my stuff that finishes in 8 I'm thinking this bbk is a 7 week strain. The Guy I bought the bbk clones off of told me she's real fast too.