Seeking a growing mentor


and be 21 or get medical status. hmmmmmm those being two that I really can't answer one that answers itself. Thanks for the input. Nobody actually on topic and just telling me things I already know lol. Just negative energy so far. Have I gathered all the trolls or do you guys think I'm F.E.D or something. Figured this would be the perfect place to have these type of things go down (Apprenticeship).


I figured most stoners would want to live in the meadow and eat berries, and live how we were intended to live. Too many people conformed here I see. Sorry I'm an idealist. Figuring out everybody is just far far too comfortable with the maze that mankind has prepared for them. Nobody wants to change it would seem.


Actually there are, there is nowhere you can live without doling out currency. The "Masters" think they actually own places on planet earth, part of mankind's sickness, not realizing that we're all one. Definitely not acting like we are, fighting over population control and resources. Really nice existence we've worked out for ourselves aye.


Well-Known Member
Sooner the better by the sounds of it. Time to learn some respect boy, you come here asking for a free pass on what so many members have busted their ass in, broke their banks and even spent time in jail for? Noone is going to stick there neck out for some spoiled kid whos
having issues with his mommy. You come here asking for help and throw a tantrum when you dont get any attention.

Wait your turn, start from the bottom, work your ass off and gain respect like everyone else.

I say good day to you sir.
that pretty much sums up what i was tryna say . Look why dont you do some chores around the house save 100 bucks get your self a rubbermaid tote or some kind of storage bin use that as your grow area get a Desk fan for air circulation , get some cfls , and do a 2 gallon grow ? get some exp. and just get it going man . well i prolly wont check this thread again, so good luck bro


Global Moderator
Staff member
Actually there are, there is nowhere you can live without doling out currency. The "Masters" think they actually own places on planet earth, part of mankind's sickness, not realizing that we're all one. Definitely not acting like we are, fighting over population control and resources. Really nice existence we've worked out for ourselves aye.
You have been given solid advice here yet you still expect someone to let you just step into their operation that was earned with cash, sweat & blood.

I figured most stoners would want to live in the meadow and eat berries, and live how we were intended to live.
I remember knowing everything when I was a child your age.
Growing up into reality is a bummer and most of us have fought and scratched to get where we are now - get used to it.


Yeah dreaming of a take over by the millennials we know everything. Can't wait until the old ways are a thing of the past. Main problem I have with fighting to get what we have means we're fighting our countrymen and fellow citizens of the planet, most people seem like ego fueled maniacs to me. *sigh* "This shit is mine" even though somebody built it for me. Making it theirs first and they traded it to you for currency out of necessity to survive *The currency trap* its a mad-stupid world out there I know.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Have you ever grew bud? I kinda agree with you keeping a plant alive isn't to hard at least when it comes to marijuana.. that being said getting grade A chronic is extremely difficult for some not so much for you know how long it takes a plant to finish?


Well-Known Member
Actually there are, there is nowhere you can live without doling out currency. The "Masters" think they actually own places on planet earth, part of mankind's sickness, not realizing that we're all one. Definitely not acting like we are, fighting over population control and resources. Really nice existence we've worked out for ourselves aye.
Go tell that to Mick Dodge!!!....or dont! This whole thing bout currency?!..its been used successfully for thousands of years and work perfectly find ...until recently the Federal Reserve/ any central bank for a country.. stepped in and started loaning money to the government at interest....we can go more into detail on a different thread...if you want your head to explode:?


Roughly three months I had plants for about a month, think my soil didnt have enough nutes cause it wasnt fresh and had been used by previous plants (non-Mj) think they only got 6in tall before they were ripped out. only had 1 CFL and a generic grow lamp. No ballast or anything. Wasn't very strict on my lighting regiment (I tried to be), I didn't have a timer.


Just feel like ignoring people that make syntax errors. Makes me paranoid, as if they're not real. Cause glitches in the matrix (Grammar/syntax errors) are serious business.


Well-Known Member
This threads bullshit! If your half as smart as you make out you are then you would be doing your time reading the sticKys and threads like everybody else...every question you have has probably already been asked discussed and answered....stop wasting your time and money getting into petty debates with people...contrary to what you might think people have good memories around here lol....
Now off you go end get too it! Lots of reading to be done.... Think stickys and search bar.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Your just some lazy depressed kid that assumes he can grow good weed and wants everything handed to him... stop listening to coast to coast get a job and help your mom pay the bills..


This threads bullshit! If your half as smart as you make out you are then you would be doing your time reading the sticKys and threads like everybody else...every question you have has probably already been asked discussed and answered....stop wasting your time and money getting into petty debates with people...contrary to what you might think people have good memories around here lol....
Now off you go end get too it! Lots of reading to be done.... Think stickys and search bar.
SO YOU'RE saying, that somebody has already asked if I could be mentored by them on my behalf? I'm not saying people don't have a positive experience here, I'm just not getting what I am seeking as of this moment doesn't mean I hate on the site or anything, wish there were a stat counter for posts that were made that are completely irrelevant. I feel I've done plenty of reading and educated myself semi well, as to growing have not been able to actually practice anything yet though.


Mr sunshine kinda nailed it man, society makes me depressed. so its never going away, won't be medicated by Doctors their psychoactive medication is all bunk, can get on SSI, then just need to get roomates, then bleed the system dry. That should be the American dream until we have representatives worthy of honoring and keeping cause they do a good job.


Well-Known Member
Havnt you planted yet? Or are you still waiting for somebody to hold your hand?
We'll be waiting for your journal....