Seedy Weed to Hash?


Active Member
I learned a lesson about bag seed: got 6 seeds from a quarter of purple kush. They all grew into some real healthy hermies. (Ah sh*t!)

So, I now have a few ozs of some of the seediest weed I've ever seen. The bud is delicious but the seeds are a PITA.

I'm considering turning a good portion of it into bubble hash. Any opinions or suggestions?


that sucks about the hermies you can turn it into hash but if it was some kush ass weed i would still smoke it fool. its still potent has hell. the exact same thing happend to me last grow i got like an oz of bud off 2 small plants and like 200 beans. if the strain is real good just smoke the weed and keep the seeds and grow them out and find the best phenos in them right and see if they hermi and if they do try to work that trait out of them. it may take like a few generations and shit and some phenos might not even hermi at all just pull out the ones that do. or...... you can make hash from it like u was askin to.


Well-Known Member
Your right, take it as a lesson learned and just move on.. grow some real nice seeds next time hehe.

When I get seedy bud from my guerrilla grows I just hash it.. In your case you might want to save some of that seedy shit so you have smoke left over to go with the hash.

As for making hash, I've used this method numerous time, works very well, requires ice/a pail/electric mixer/screen or strainer and about 6 hours of time (but only 10-20 mins of actual work)

Makes great hash and doesn't leave much waste.. also don't have to buy expensive bubble bags



Active Member
Thanks for the input guys. I think I'll split the harvest 'cause it is yummy bud as it is and I've always wanted to make some hash. Wouldn't waste seedless bud on making hash. Thought I'd toss a few ozs in with the trim.


Well-Known Member
Put all the weed you want into the freezer leaves from around the nugs and the nugs themselfs if that what you want.i'm personaly a weed smoker not a hash smoker but saying that i did used to love the red and gold seal hash sticky iky that shit but it is not around anymore have'nt seen it in about 10 year i used to love that stuff.get down to a printing shop and buy the differant screens.mix with plenty of water and ice.go on you tube and you will get plenty of info best to watch this process done but i tried a mix at the cannabis cup and shit it was nice.i also like the idea of useing the hash has a rizla and fill with some nice bud.


ivorproblem with plant turning to heavy seed ,basically a good bud, what i think has happened is the lights went out for an hour and half and i think the plant have gone into a panic that they must survive to produce the seed these plant are flowering in 26days but seeding otherwise the bud is good and normal pistals changing orange tricones milky, but growth and maturing far to fast soil grown. any thoughts wellcome, this has happened to 3 grops in the same room one week apart. thanks.