Seedsman White Widow, Big Buddha Blue Cheese, and G13 Pure Gold Grow


Well-Known Member
PG looking nice. I only hope next week (wk 5 for me) mine are even close to looking that good.
Do you plan on flushing?
I plan on flushing at week 6. So one more week of nutes then just molasses and water.


Well-Known Member
super dank buds man:weed: your plants are doing great keep it up:clap: . Question on the Molasses- How much sugar or honey are you adding per gallon of water. I haven't tried this yet but im going to on my next grow.

Whats your formula per gallon if you have one?


Well-Known Member
I use about 1 Tablespoon per gallon. Which from what i've heard is pretty typical. Not sure whether it makes a difference or not, because I've always used it. But sometimes i think i can smell it in my grow room and i like the sweet smell so i'll continue to use.


Well-Known Member
I'll snap some shots tonight, I got a new job a few days back so I haven't had much time to takes pics. Don't worry though, I haven't forgotten about you guys.


Well-Known Member
Here they are... Bud Porn!!!

BC- At least 2 full weeks left on these, I just started flushing them.

My Freebie Pure Gold- Looking good, I'm thinking about 10 days or so? Tell me what you think.

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My WWs - Pretty ladies that seem to like to be topped just once. These appear to have about the same time as the PG left. 10-14days? Again, let me know what you think.
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Active Member
I guess the trichs are the only way to really tell. They look good but to say 10 days which would be day 49 I believe. Seems a little early.
The plants seem healthy and happy a little nute burn I see looks similiar to my plants. Always difficult to get nutes down to a science with different strains and conditions. Are you going to or have you started flushing the pg


Well-Known Member
Ya, I got a little nute burn using FF cha-ching, but it isn't too bad I don't think. I started flushing my PG about 4 days ago. I'm never found a trich scope at radioshack when i went to buy one so I kind of gave up looking. So I don't have a way to check the them, but I have had good success just waiting until the buds look "done." I'm always happy with my results that way.


Active Member
They look awesome! I think I would give the cheese some more time though....Most people agree on it taking around 10 weeks


Well-Known Member
Ya, I figured at least 8 or 9. But if it takes 10 then I'll give it 10. I am in no rush to chop anything, so I intend on letting them do their thing.


Active Member
Ya, I figured at least 8 or 9. But if it takes 10 then I'll give it 10. I am in no rush to chop anything, so I intend on letting them do their thing.

I see your getting a little yellow on the tips also...Do you think that's nute burn? My bigger plant has that and some look alot worse but the smaller ones are all perfect so can it be a deficiency?


Active Member
I have done the same as far as determining finish, but I am interested in getting a 30x that jewlers use for around 5 bucks.


Well-Known Member
Here is some updated pics guys. I'm getting some issues with ph problems. But I always get those towards the end of my grows because my tap water where I live sucks. Other then that and a little nute burn the girls are doing great. All plants are currently just receiving plain water, I know it might be a little early to flush the BCs, but I'm not sure when they will finish so I'd rather be safe then sorry.

On another note, the runt BC of mine is doing some weird things. Her buds are tiny, but literally every hair is brown. She looks almost done to me. So because of this I finally broke down and bought a 30x jewelers piece. It should be arriving in the mail in the next couple days.

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This is the runt BC. Notice it has great node spacing, just the buds sucks. It also grew slower in veg and flower then any other plant.



Active Member
Very nice, glad to see the grow continue. Sometimes grow threads just disappear. So where did you order the 30x from?
The Runt as you called it looks great the buds might be small to you, but they look tasty to me.
My PG is just a few days behind I have taken a little popcorn off it and it does the job.
The buds on My PG are not that dense and look similar to the development of yours. From the picture they look good but are they light like mine? Not seeing any other grows of PG other then yours its hard to say if 50-65 days as the description says will be enough time for the them to fatten up.