

Well-Known Member
Grow completed. Curing well underway (over a month) After a few weeks while checking cure I had a perfectly formed seed fall from a bud. This was a hydro grow with feminized seed and I noticed no evidence of male appendages during the process. The plants were from Critical Kush Seeds from Barney's Farm. If I am understanding correctly plants from a hermi seed will be female with a tendency to hermi themselves. Is this correct? So far about an ounce has been gone through and this is the only seed found. I am happy with the bud and I hope to find a few more seeds.
I have always just broke buds down by hand or with scissors and am interested in using a grinder but I don't want to damage any of these scarce seeds if there are any more. Are hand grinders for the most part, seed safe or will they usually break them?
Inspects buds, look for the seed sacks.
It could be Herme, maybe or very mature plant and it pushed a seed or two, to replicate itself.
Nature may do some strange shit, look it up.
From what I have read on breeders pages,
a feminized plants seeds are regular seeds, not feminized not even a higher probability of Female.
but a hermi seed is 99% chance of being female... but if u breed a feminized plant u will get reg seeds. if u get what i mean mang
Inspects buds, look for the seed sacks.
It could be Herme, maybe or very mature plant and it pushed a seed or two, to replicate itself.
Nature may do some strange shit, look it up.

I haven't seen a seed sack yet. I didn't see pollen sac on plants either. They were mature females.
but a hermi seed is 99% chance of being female... but if u breed a feminized plant u will get reg seeds. if u get what i mean mang

I'm hoping this is true. That's why I would like to find a few more and not damage them. Thus the grinder question, I have only used one a couple of times and would like to get one, but I don't want to damage any of these 99% female seeds of a known good producer plant. As I said in the original post, I've only found one so far.
When I use a grinder I break the buds up into smaller pieces, so if there were any seeds I'd probably see them.
A flowering plant grown from a feminized seed, which herms and pollinates itself, will produce feminized seeds; those seeds will have a higher hermaphroditic tendency. That's that there. Save the seed and grow it :) mmmm
My grinder crushes the hell out of seeds if there are any. Look for the seeds with your eyes and fingers first.
hermies produce females. its a chromisone thing. xy,xx. genetically hard to produce a male seed. when you order from a seed company and see feminized seeds how do you think they know that? it may herm but only if you have issues,like a light leak or something stressing it.
You can also use colloidal silver to make feminized seeds. Jason's right; a female plant that herms will ALSO produce female seeds with higher herm tendencies. good add
hermies produce females. its a chromisone thing. xy,xx. genetically hard to produce a male seed. when you order from a seed company and see feminized seeds how do you think they know that? it may herm but only if you have issues,like a light leak or something stressing it.

I can't recall any stressors. No other lights in area. No loss of power. No pump issues. Was real lucky with grow and happy with results. I have read that this strain tends to hermi and I have no problems with it if offspring yield these results. Please hermi every time, please.
hermies produce females. its a chromisone thing. xy,xx. genetically hard to produce a male seed. when you order from a seed company and see feminized seeds how do you think they know that? it may herm but only if you have issues,like a light leak or something stressing it.

Breeders know they are female because they force them that way. Only the rodelization method uses the hermie trick, but it is unreliable. Almost all breeders use Colloidal Silver to force a female plant to pollinate, then they use that pollen on a different female flowering plant which turns it to seed. Voila, feminized seeds, done right and reliably.

Im thinking it begun to produce male bananas, also know as rhodelization. These little bananas are hard to spot sometimes.

The seeds will most likely produce feminized seeds. I conducted an experiment with a Purple Power, allowing it to pollinate itself, and it produced 23 seeds.

This is what happened:
Some of the seeds produced really small inbred plants. (No hermies)
Most of them were healthy looking plants. All of the plants looked similar to the mother, the only thing that varied was the size of the plants.

2 seeds turned out to be males. They were also really small inbred plants.
Im thinking it begun to produce male bananas, also know as rhodelization. These little bananas are hard to spot sometimes.

The seeds will most likely produce feminized seeds. I conducted an experiment with a Purple Power, allowing it to pollinate itself, and it produced 23 seeds.

This is what happened:
Some of the seeds produced really small inbred plants. (No hermies)
Most of them were healthy looking plants. All of the plants looked similar to the mother, the only thing that varied was the size of the plants.

2 seeds turned out to be males. They were also really small inbred plants.

There could have been pollen bananas on the back plants on the back side and I would not have been able to see them. These were cuttings taken from two mothers. The seeds came from the same breeder pack but produced plants with some different characteristics. One was a little skunky, the other had more purple in it. I had three of the first and two of the 2nd. Both phenos turned out well.