

Active Member
hi first time on here and i hope this isnt somethin i should put up but i was just wondering what happens if someone lives in the usa and they buys seeds guessing i cant do it but my friend says you can. and if in fact you can what are the chances of getting caught? sorry if this is a really dumb question, just dont want anyone i know gettin busted over something stupid like that.


Active Member
From what I've heard, nothing. I live in the U.S. too, and I am getting ready to order. Make sure it is a good seed bank, something trusted (search this site for good banks) and you will be all set. The worst I have heard, is that the packages were seized on the way to your home. But most seed banks send the seeds stealthy, and the packaging doesn't say anything about seeds or marijuana. Also, if you are buying a lot of seeds, make sure you order in seperate orders, because if you spend a couple hundred bucks on seeds, and they send it in one big order, and that order gets seized, your fucked lol....and by fucked I mean, you lost your money, not that you will get caught, because I am just going to use one of those $100 gift cards on it, and if i was ever questioned about the payment, I would just deny it, because it wouldn't be in my name =D
Hope this helped


Well-Known Member
i've ordered with my regular credit card over a year ago now, no problems... if i was to again i'd go with gift card method and order from maybe sensi seeds. Nirvana however pulled through and i was happy.


Active Member
sweet tell me how it goes when you order yours. Also what do you mean when you say use a gift card. like buy a giftcard form the website and then use that to get seeds?