seeds WHY ???


I grew all feminized seeds and they all turned out nice in the flowering stage :lol: but I am finding some seeds not lots but some :-( is this normal and these seeds will they be feminized seeds???


Well-Known Member
Most likely you had one hermie on you and didn't catch it. If so yes you have fem/(maybe?)hermi seeds...


would the hermie produce nice large buds just like a full female, cause I am sure there was no males


RIU Bulldog
Yeah, on of your females selfed and grew some male pollen sacks.
'Selfing' is a plants response to stress and also the end of the life cycle. Sometimes, when a female plant reaches the end of life, and realizes there are no males around to pollinate her, she will create male pollen sacks in a desperate attempt to pass on her genes. That's how you get seeds in 'fem' plants.
If you like the plant you got, keep the seeds and plants them out again. Some of them will be hermies, but some of them wont, either way the smoke could be amazing. Just look at chemdog.
His entire line is founded on hermie genetics, yet they, and their crosses (OG Kusk, ECSD) have become legendary smoke. There are lot of misconceptions out there about hermies and genetics. People who got a C in biology trying to tell what's good and what isn't.
And keep an eye on those hermies tho. It's sounds like you got lucky and only got a few seeds in your buds, but a single viable hermie can ruin your entire crop.
I'd say if you're not planning on breeding or you don't have a lot of room, then ditch the seeds in your bud and start over with new genes.


Beansly you are right cause that's exactly what happenned.Last weekend when I cut down my plants there was one with single balls under some nodes and for sure I would say that"s the culprit
again the smoke is excellent great high and they are not even cured yet
Have you got some special way to cure that you could tell me????????
Cause another couples of days I think I can take the buds down and start curing in jars005.jpg