Seeds still have shell?


Active Member
My seeds have sprouted but still have the seed shell on. Is this normal and will the shell fall off by itself?


Well-Known Member
it will fall off on it's own...usually. just leave it be and after a week if it's still on try to VERY GENTLY take it off


Well-Known Member
ummm if it is a big deal to you. give it 2-3 more days wash your hands like you just got done dropping a deuce and gently pull them off. remember patience is a virtue only rewarded for a select few. if you cannot make it until the shell falls off, how are you gona make it til harvest. some food for thought. PEACE!


Active Member
Hey it isn't such a big deal. Been along time since I have grown from seed and can't remember the shells staying on before. Thanks for the info dudes.

Should I remove the dome to prevent any excess moisture causing mould?
