seeds shipped to Chicago Area! Not getting through!


Well-Known Member
i have gotten 3 letters from homeland. i need to know people around the Chicago area and what company do they order seeds from online.

i am only going to try one more time with a different company, i have use nirvana, bcbud, and dr chronic. i am looking for someone in this general area that is getting thier seeds (recently) and is not using one of these companies. as its obvious homeland is aware of the return addresses or something because they are getting stopped.

plz, i am going to bump this frequently just to let people know that Chicago Port is HELL for shipping seeds. i am in dire need and do not want to grow bag seed. oh and i'm going to bump so i can get more responses. as i am not going to just take one persons word, but try to take a colaborated opinion of the next company i should order from. plus i don't wana waste anymore money.



Active Member
Thats fuk up dude i didnt know that they wont ship to chicago i was going to order some but fuk it plus you said homeland security send you letters hell naw i dont wan them pigs kicking down my door you know wat i mean .Plus you lost out on money thats fuck up man any opinions shit i was gonna order from bc bud but im thinkin about it twice . wat you guys think


Active Member
i do not live in the chicago area, but i have ordered from the attitude seed bank, and both of my orders have made it through new york customs just fine. their shipping method is pretty good. i have heard about the problems with chicago, that sucks, but best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
Chicago is notorious for this. That sucks dude. You'll have to try to get them shipped elsewhere somehow.


Active Member
Can ya get them sent to someone else in another area then they can repackage and post to you.