seeds popped after 1 hour?

Just a quick question. My order of pure power plant seeds came this morning, I put them in a glass of water with a little canna rootzone in it, and on a heat mat. Anyway, 4 of them popped after 1 hour and I can see the little white root coming out. All other seeds I have used have took 24 hours and I put them in soil the next day with no problems.
So my question is, should I leave the 4 that have popped in the water over night and plant them all tomorrow or will the ones that opened drown?
Me neither, they sank streight to the bottom and after about a hour they have opened. Will they be ok in water over night?


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. Next time I would eliminate the water soak and just put them into the root riots from the get go.

I soak my root riots, put the seeds in, and then put the root riots in a humidity dome that has grooves on the bottom of the tray where I put water. The dome sits on a heat mat. The root riots stay moist for the duration of the germing and there's no transfer of the seeds involved. I also hang a work light with a cfl bulb above the humidity dome so that the sprouts can reach for the light. It's been working great for me doing it this way.

The only maintenence is basically using a sponge once a day to soak up water that accumulates on the heat mat from drips from the humidity dome. When the heat mat gets wet if loses effectiveness so I keep it dry.


Well-Known Member
Me neither, they sank streight to the bottom and after about a hour they have opened. Will they be ok in water over night?
I don't soak in water, but if I were you the moment I noticed the seed hull being cracked I'd get them out of the water. It's marijuana, not rice.


Active Member
I've had my seeds grow a taproot well within 24 hours, normally never go above that.

I put room temp water in a cup, put a coffee filter in it and submerg it just so water is about 2 inches above the filter surface.
I put the seed on top so it's floating, put a lid over the cup, and the put the cup under a CFL.
2-5 hours later I empty the cup of water still leaving the coffee filter in, put the lid back over and continue with the CFL.
Go to sleep and when I wake up there is a small white taproot coming out of the seed. I just dump that in a 4 inch pot with some cococoir (that has been prewatered) mist the top of the coco when its dry from the CFL.
Wake up another day and the shell is coming out the soil I mist one more time and wait another day and it should be just getting rid of the entire shell.
Wait a week and transplant it into my 3-5gal and I'm done!