It really depends on the plant and it's genitics, I here this is a seedling started at the same time of a cutting, ok the seedling is my blueberry make crossed to my female bubblegum to create bubbleberry or berrybubble the cutting is skywalker which is mazar x blueberry

ok see the little tabs for my bb
Here is my BB now
View attachment 1816961notice the skywalker clone in the back . Here is another seedling that grew like a rocket launch, thought a boy but it is a girl
View attachment 1816966 she is over 2 feet and the skywalker clones are not much bigger at all. It depens on the plant.
Also what clone sellers will not tell you is yes the clone takes on the genitics of the mother, but it does lose "vigor" so depending on if the clone is a clone of a clone the less vigor it will have, something to take into account.
As my skywalker are still growing and I was able to flower my bubbleberry and she grew a ft in flower, the topped one is still growing in flower and as you see they we just little bitty seedlings with my skywalker clones.
Here is a seedling of my Cyan Kush it is about 6 inches tall and thick stemed fat leafs, taking after the OG kush.

You can see the skywalker leaf in the backround, this bomb seedling is awsome.
So as you can see it depends on the plants and how many times a clone was cloned.