Well-Known Member
aww thats a nice plant you have.... keep it up. grow pounds.....
why thank you. +reps for checkin it out and the compliment

aww thats a nice plant you have.... keep it up. grow pounds.....
Peacemane, did you grow those plants from the $20 seeds?
Recieved seeds today!
I only recieved 24 of them, they weren't even labled and it was in packet. So I'm starting to think they posted it in seperate envolopes and posted one an hour a part or something, the others should be here tommorow.
Good feedback =)
Seeds look small, but hey, $20 INCLUDES shipping... At a dolla a seed, who wouldnt try, right? even if it produces 3 female mothers, worth every cent.. recommend NOW, but we will see if these WW babies turn into suga after a couple weeks...
Anyone Else Get strains from here?
ordered last week, maybe tuesday. so 7 days
It 'says' 1999, yet this site seems pretty new to experienced scene dwellers.. I'm 1450 years old.. In that time I've learned that you can't believe everything ppl claim.. Especially Mongols and Gypsies..yo is says "est 1999", theys guys are def legit if theyre that old
but then again im baked so i prolly shouldnt use my credit card