Shit, i know u aint takin that chance Mane, n I wouldnt neither, lol. Im just sayin that if your thinkin about doin that shit, those are things u wanna look at if your really gonna do it. Ill stick to the seedbanks man, no question about it. Ill never save a bagseed ever again in my life, lol.
N SIDENOTE -- even though i AM a buckeye Fan, Rothlesberger was NOT a Buckeye - BLASPHEMY!!!! He went to Miami of Ohio University, NOT Ohio State. Dont be tryin to suck me into the great Cleveland-P-Burgh Debate. Not gonna happen, lol. There aint no debate anyways - the real browns got traded to Baltimore, end of story. The "new" browns are still licking their wounds from bein traded, and because of that, will not ever win a superbowl, or even go to one, until they get over the fact that their hometown betrayed them, because they recognized that Cleveland was the home of the shittiest football team in the world. Well, that n Cinci too

n FUCK New England TOO, hehehe. How bout that Brady Guy?? Hes awesome, aint he??