over flowering is about a month or so, they panic because they should have died and they turn into hermaphrodites but with two female genes instead of a male and female or hermie and femalethanks, I dont know if I have seeds yet still flowering I was asking just in case I see some when curing. Nusky I have been flowering for about six weeks and a guess would be another 1 to 2 weeks before they are ready. Is this considered overflowering ? I blew it when trying to clone [half hearted attempt] but now realize its going to cost me again for femine seeds and should have been patient with the cloning. I was hoping if seeds show I could luck out. Tommy I didnt do anything to stimulate seed growth just asking what if. {I wasnt clear on that sorry}.
This is not totally true as far as I know introducing Silver to the plant forces it to hermie. Making a male from a female then using its pollen to pollinate another female so the seeds have two sets of female genes instead of male/female. So any female to male hermie should make female seeds.if it came from a male plant then you introduced male to the seeds and it will probably be a 50/50 chance of being male or female. If a plant hermied then all you get is hermie seeds, they're worthless.
Only way to get female seeds is colloidal silver or over flowering the plant